The driving question for this project, In the Name of Nationalism was: how has Nationalism’s influence shaped the global structure? Nationalism has had a deep impact on the global structure by shaping the change of the world’s connections, politics, and identity. It has increased the movements for independence across the world. However, nationalism has had negative and positive results, leading to conflicts and wars. While nationalism has played a big part in shaping history, its impact on the world’s system is complex and also resourceful.

Here was the first step of the project, citations.  

Before learning about nationalism, the first step was to properly source your work and learn about citations. I learned the importance of having reliable sources that are easy to understand. I found having sources with many sources within, like Wikipedia, it was great for convince. Although it meant more time researching things that weren’t as important as others. I also learned how much easier it is to have simplified work and only the major key events when talking about nationalism in a video. Learning about citations has improved my critical thinking, by looking over the information to see of its reliable and relevant. I also had a responsibility to make sure the sources gave real information, my video met the criteria and I handed it in on time.  


Watching many videos to get an idea of how to create a hook helped a lot. Along with to help structure my video, all the little details helped. To start the script and to guide my video, having the questions I created that I had to answer was a big part. I learned the importance of how a well structured question can make the video stronger. 


The questions I created for Russian Nationalism:

-Who were the main groups between the mid 1800s to 1914?

-What key events created conflict for World War 1?

-Where in Russia were there wars and treaties that were significant for Russian nationalism?

-When was there an economic change?

-Why was there tension between the other European countries with Russia?

-How did the government take and see all of the movements? 


In this project I think I did well with managing my time. I spread out my work throughout the week and made sure I worked on it almost every night leading up to the due date. Mostly because I knew I had a a lot of get done. Next time I would like to work on planning out my visuals better. When I started to make the video, I left a lot of the animations to later. This wasn’t a good idea because when I was making the rest of the video, I had to guess how long the animations were going to be. Which took longer when I could have planned it out before. Although it did help me spark new ideas, so it was a good and bad thing. Making animations took a lot of time but I think it was worth it in the end. Along with when I had to source the media I used, it took some time, but I learn patience during it.

Creating this project has helped me work on important skills for research, searching, and   presentation. Firstly, researching Russian Nationalism needed valuable research skills, from finding historical sources, to understanding the different perspectives. The understanding to explore through many information sources, get a sense if they are reliable and purposeful. Along with creating engaging visuals and animations to show my creativity visually and showing a proper understanding. Answering questions about who, what, where, when, why and how. Also identifying the key historical events, their causes, and consequences. Overall, this project has helped me grow in my researching skills, organization, and the creation of my video making skills. I now understand nationalism, how Russian Nationalism all began, and the major events that led to World War l.