For the European Exploration project I learned a lot more about the explorer Jacques Cartier the most because I created a book about him. I also learned a bit about Christopher Columbus, Vasco Da Gama, and John Cabot. The explorers main motivations to explore were Gold, Glory, and God. I learned about the cause and consequence of the explorers exploring and finding new land. Technology was a big part that I also learned about, which the technology they used were compasses, astrolabe, cross-staff, and sextant. Ship building and cartography were things that also helped the explorers.


Here is the book I created about Jacques Cartier:


The hardest part for me when learning about this project was creating the book about Jacques Cartier and being able to write the story about him in 200 words. It was hard because there was so much I could write about. I also had to add enough detail so the story flows and makes sense. When I was creating the book, I found it hard to make the photos connect and relate with my story. When I was drawing, making gifs, and a collage, I mostly did those photos for specific parts, and not for everything I talked about. So in the end I had extra photos, so I put them at the end of the book. 


The easiest part for me was putting the book together. I found it easier for me because I had already created a book which I made in Maker, so I already got the idea of what I was supposed to do. I just had to get parts of my story and find what related to the photos I drew and created. 


Overall I really enjoyed learning about the European exploration. Next time I would like to learn more about the other explorers. I now know how Canada was found, and why they placed a cross on the land. From creating a dairy of Jacques Cartier, and making the diary into a book with photos, I enjoyed learning about the explorer.