Our First Humanities Project!

Hi everyone, we are finishing up our first Humanities (Socials and English) project, creating a professional advertisement for a business. Our business was the Deep Cove Heritage Society. The Deep Cove Heritage Society is based in Deep Cove, they sell memberships, books, and have a new online photo archive here. The driving question for this project was “How does what we hear, read, and see influence us?”

For this project, my group members were KaiBrooke, Jessie, and Silas. We had several different milestones, such as our individual ad, and our historical media analysis.

For our individual ads, we did many different drafts, as you can see in this slideshow. 

I found that the progression from first draft to last was dramatic. The last image that you saw was our final group advertisement. We are quite proud of it, and the email that our business sent was very nice, and they said that we did very well. Their feedback was entirely positive. Please check out their website here.

With the Historical Media Analysis we had to choose an ad, then answer questions about it. This is the ad that I chose, and these are the questions that I answered:

Who created this message? 

The McDonalds company.

What techniques are used to attract my attention? 

A clown, crazy hat, and dancing at the end, as well as the clown with some examples of the food that they sell.

How might different people understand this message differently from me? 

They might think that McDonalds is a really fun and crazy place to go!

What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message? 

If you see this ad, you will most likely want to go to McDonalds more than any other fast food company, because they have a clown, which could be very fun, and it’s clearly a family restaurant.

Why was this message sent? Profit and/or power. 

Profit and power. Profit to make money, and power of being the best food chain. If you’re the best food chain, you will get recommended by people more, and more people will come to you, which links in with profit, because you’ll make more money.

This project was a lot of fun, and I especially enjoyed making the ad for real people. Most of the projects that I’ve done before PLP have been just for the teacher, not for real world businesses. Doing projects like this will be more like what I’ll do in real life. I hope that we get to do more projects like this in the future.

The driving question for this project was “how does what we hear, read, and see influence us?” My answer to that is if we see stuff a lot, like an ad that has been up forever at a bus stop, we start believing the ad. Also, if you have friends that use a certain product, they might keep saying that the product is great, and you should buy it. Eventually, over time, you might start to believe them even more, and buy the product.

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