Hey everyone! This is my TPOL blog post! If you haven’t read about my MPOL, why not do that too! A TPOL (Transitional Presentation Of Learning) is all about sharing your learning. You can check it out here!
I feel that I have definitely improved this year across ALL of my PLP courses. For Humanities I have been doing better work each time, writing better blog posts, and overall been better. We started off the year with medium is the message, the advertising project. If you look at the first thing that I handed in (welcome home text analysis) and one of the later ones (my final paragraph for the Renaissance project) then you can see the huge difference in my writing style. I think that PLP has helped improve my writing skills, and I hope to learn more in the future. Here is my Welcome Home Text Analysis:
I think that the message of Welcome Home is
that your everyday life doesn’t need to be dull if you
have a HomePod. You can be excited and look
forward to stuff instead of everyday being the same. I
think that the target audience is 20-30 years old, and
you need a little bit of excitement to your life. In the
video, it shows her at work, and she is very sad. But,
when she gets home she asks Siri to play something
that she likes and it gets her excited to get home
everyday. They are using the message to get the
target audience by having very vibrant colours, big
sounds, everything that I think most 20 year-olds
would like. Also, when it shows her looking in the
“mirror” it suggests that HomePods can become time
away from work, sort of like a vacation.
Here is my Renaissance:
Is time so important/not important? Why? How does the invention of time effect us
today? I find that the invention of time has been very helpful. The idea of time started a while
ago, but it was only measured in years, weeks, days, and sometimes hours. Time began with
sundials in ancient Egypt, and has continued on to today. According to my research, time in the
early Renaissance was told by sundials. Because of the sundial, it depended on where you
lived and what time of year it was to see how long the hour was. So the sundial was not very
accurate. The clock was invented in the late Renaissance by Christian Huygens. Now, time
can be hours, minutes, and even seconds. Different activities start at different times. Eventually,
humans figured out how to make an electric clock that you can wear on your wrist. This has
helped kids to keep track of time, so we can be more organized and so that our parents can
give us a certain time to be home by. I find time important because it gives people a chance to
make a certain time to meet or go to an activity. Time also has made some people over-
schedule, causing stress or anxiety. Overall, I think that time has effected us in a good way. I’d
rather have many activities because of time than have little or no activities because there is no
In Scimatics, our very first project was fractions of your time. We made a Numbers Spreadsheet about the screen time on our iPads. A recent project, Chemistry Coding, had us coding our own game in Scratch! For each project, we had to do a project start and project end mind-map. I find the difference between ones earlier in the year, and the ones later in the year INSANE!
I couldn’t find the first one, but I know that it did not have as much detail as the Chemistry Coding one.
Chemistry Coding one:
We haven’t done Maker this semester, but I’m going to talk about it anyways. Our first maker project was becoming a PLP learner. Our most recent one was Geek Out Blogging Challenge (not counting DI). The blog post that I did for becoming a PLP learner was not amazing, but it was my first one. I have improved so much since Becoming a PLP Learner. Geek out blogging challenge was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. Even from the first geek out post to the last was a HUGE improvement.
Thanks for reading!
Love the poster!