Nation X Simulation and Final Video

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to be trying a different type of blog post. I’m going to tell a story about a recent simulation that we did. The story is going to be through the eyes of the character that I played. In the simulation, I got an extremely lucky role. I was the king! That meant that I could use electronics whenever I wanted, made $20 a day, and commanded my people.

Here are the in-depth laws:

Law 1: Starting off

You decide how voting works in your territory. Every time you vote as a territory, the group leader will be in charge of organizing and counting the vote. You can make decisions for just your territory that can help you in the game. Resourceful actions that you take can have the winning impact on the game. If you want to change something as a whole society, write a note and have it delivered to Group D. Groups D and C can vote to see if it passes. The king may throw out the decision of the court.

Law 2: Money

Money can be used to buy things at the store, and also to bribe people to vote a certain way, carry information, or provide other services for you. Counterfeiting money is illegal and also pretty silly.  The Universe (teacher) will react if counterfeit money is found.

Law 3: The Store

The store has a limited supply and receives new shipments daily.  If the store is sold out, there is no more food for the day.  Group D can cut in line at the store and the Store Owners are required by law to serve them first.  Store Owners may decide the prices.

Law 4: The Jail

Group C (Nobility) is in charge of arrests, but they may not arrest members of Group D (Clergy), and Group D may also make arrests.  If you are arrested, you MUST automatically go to jail.  The Nobility/Clergy has much more money & resources than the 3rd estate and could quickly overpower any one of them with weapons & backup.  From Jail, anyone may consult with the Universe on any plans.

Now time for my diary as a king!

Today I the first thing that I did was read the news. It told me that our country is going bankrupt. I know that, but I don’t know how the citizens of our town will take it. I know that they already are angry because of the taxes. Maybe tomorrow I’ll do something about that. I really want to be a good king. Anyways, once I had read the news, I met up with my trusted advisors Mackenzie and Charlie R. Together we scouted the kingdom to see if we could find any hints of a revolution. We couldn’t find anything, so we then went to the store. They were being so unfair! For the richest places, groups C and D, they were charging so much, but for groups A and D they were charging so little! I suppose it was fair, but I suppose that I should put a stop to it tomorrow. Overall, I think that this day was pretty good, I would rate it a 7/10. But little did I know, the worst was yet to come… When I heard a rumour that Groups A and B are plotting to kill the King. I remember when I heard that it was like a cold hand gripped my heart. I ordered for a Charlie R. to come with me at all times. I got really scared that I would be murdered.

The next day the first thing I did again was read the news. This time, taxes went up by $1, we’re officially bankrupt. We need to get out of this ASAP. Today I made a couple of new rules. I wanted to make section A to like me a little more because I didn’t want the, to kill me. I let them buy chairs, as well as gifting them 3. I also put their pay up by one dollar. I believe that they like me a lot more right now. The people that I’m most worried about are group B. They are in charge of the store, and have gotten very rich because of it. Their leader, Keaton has $50! I believe that he stole some of the money from me, because some of my money that I left on my throne was missing. I’ll grab a law enforcer from group C, and set up a trap tomorrow. Maybe I’ll catch him at it. As well as group B, I’m also worried about my advisors. Charlie R. made a joke about murdering me. I’ll have to watch him as I don’t know if it was completely a joke. I got another rumour today. “Something must be done about group A”. I do not understand that, as I did so much for them. Perhaps tomorrow they will show their thankfulness.

Day three of being king! Today food prices went up by one dollar. I don’t see why though, as it is already extremely expensive. As soon as I got my $20, I took Evangeline, and together we put my money onto a very obvious place. In a few minutes, Magnus and Keaton came by. Magnus grabbed the money so we arrested him. But later it struck me that I may have made the wrong arrest. Keaton was looking kind of suspicious. But the worst of Keaton was yet to come. I really didn’t do much today, so I’m going to go straight to the rumour. Secret Meetings are being held between A, B, and C. They are growing frustrated with how society is being run… This I got scared about. I knew something on was going on about A and B, but I didn’t know about C.

The news today was scary. I learned that there was a disease in groups A and B. I had the treatment and cured all with the disease to eliminate it entirely. I then promoted Tom to group C because he was being a very good subject. As well as the disease outbreak, I continued to hear word of a revolution. We were given weapons by the almighty universe to protect ourselves. I believe that the revolution has started. Charlie tried to kill me, but I escaped with Chris, Logan, and Mackenzie. Together, we joined another nation (nation Y) who was actually trying to invade nation X. We killed almost everyone and came put triumphant!


In the second part of our project, my group and I made a video about the ineffectiveness of the American Revolution. First though, we had to learn about the revolution. We had to make a graphic organizer to display what we had learned.

As well as the graphic organizer and video, we had to make an affidavit. Here that is:

Revolutions Affidavit

Form 1

Seycove Courts 

I, Charlie Mortimer, Julia Dianova, Silas Macintosh, Magnus Kauko, Keaton Schisler, and Makai Roka, the American Revolution of North Vancouver.

Swear or affirm that:

I know or believe the following facts to be true. If these facts are based on information from others, I believe that information to be true. 

1. I am making this affidavit

🔘 in support of the effectiveness of the revolution

🔘✅ in response to the ineffectiveness of the revolution 

List the facts that you wish to present to the court. If certain facts are not within your personal knowledge, identify the source of your information. If you refer to documents, attach them to this affidavit and mark them as exhibits.


Exhibit A claims: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This is directly contradicted by slavery, which continued long past the revolution.


In exhibit B, it is said the Americans would pay their debt to France, which they did not have the money to pay.


Exhibit C was put in place so that the British could reclaim wealth spent defending the colonies in the 7 years war. The Americans were being protected the 7 years war. The taxes we’re placed as a way to ensure protection of the colonies. Our witness will be King George III, the person who put this document into effect.

Listed Exhibits:

(List your exhibits – A, B, C, etc. Similar items can be grouped as one exhibit. Describe each exhibit, for example, “Letter from the frontlines dated June 14, 1776”.

Prosecution and/or Defence will be attaching the following exhibits:

Exhibit Letter  Description of Exhibit – Summarize In A Few Short Words
A Paragraph 2 of the official Declaration put in place by the colonies to secure their rights and freedoms. This document was put in July 4, 1776, and was drafted by Thomas Jefferson. 

Attach Document Below:

Exhibit Letter  Description of Exhibit – Summarize In A Few Short Words
B  Section 4 of the Treaty of Paris, a document officially marking the ending of the revolution. Published in 1783 by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay of America. Signed by King George III of Great Britain.

Attach Document Below:

Exhibit Letter  Description of Exhibit – Summarize In A Few Short Words
C The first paragraph of the “Stamp Act” tax act put in place by the British in 1765 concreting the Americans.

Here’s my graphic organizer and video!

I think we did well on the video, and maybe we proved to you that the American Revolution was ineffective? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading my blog post! I’ll see you again, very very soon.

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