I did something Cray Cray… Yay?

Hello everyone! I’m going to start this post with an introduction to the project we just did, called Cray Cray Yay Yay! In this project we were all about answering the driving question, Why does it take a Crazy person to change the world? To answer this, we went to Seattle in the best PLP trip yet! I feel like every year as the program condenses more and more I get closer to everyone which makes it overall a better experience.

Apart from answering the driving question, the other main goal of this project was to create and present a Pecha Kucha to our parents. The Thursday before Spring Break we presented them and I was very impressed on how they went! But how did we get there? First things first, we learned all about the Apple Crazy Ones campaign. After, we all picked a crazy one from a list in a fun spin the wheel format!

Next, we created a mini Pecha Kucha about those Crazy Ones! Mine was about Einstein, who I find very inspiring. Because it was a mini Pecha Kucha, there 10 slides 20 seconds each. We presented it in front of the entire class and I was very proud of both mine and most other people’s final products. I was VERY thankful it didn’t have to be memorized that time😂.

Then, we went to Seattle! It was so much fun and I loved every minute of it. I enjoyed how the teachers planned it so that every little place we went could be connected back to our project and driving question. While we were in Seattle, we wrote an essay! I made a different post about it which you can read here!

And finally, with the understanding and learning of the big steps and many different little steps in this project, we moved on to the big event. The topic we got was how business is done differently in relation to the Apple campaign. We decided to do three different businesses we saw on the trip. The businesses were Dicks Drive-In, Boeing, and Amazon.

I believe that it is obvious why Boeing and Amazon were chosen, but you can see why Dicks was here. Just look at those employee benefits!

Now to the cray cray thing I did. In front of most of the parents in grade 10 PLP, I introduced my section of the Pecha Kucha by saying “Let’s talk about Dicks.” I got a massive laugh when everyone realized it was about Dicks Drive-In.


That is the video if you want to see it, and don’t worry! The laughter came after the video ended. Anyways, thank you so much for reading, and sorry for the late publish, because I was away when this was assigned with no access to technology so I only had the chance to write it today. Thanks!

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