Spring Exhibition

Hello friends! Welcome to my final post of the school year!

This was my first Spring Exhibition, and my group was at the entrance. This is a video that my friend took of the Spring exhibition when we were closing.

So at the entrance, our job was to greet the people coming in and show them our work. The other members of our group were doing other stuff.

The people at the very start were greeting people, giving them candy, and giving them a map of the exhibition. Then, the guests go to a skit of a boring class with bored students. Then, the guests would see another skit of a teacher saying “no more textbooks in this class! We’re using iPads!” Then we were showing our work, and then the guests went to the other presentations!

Thanks for reading!


Hey everyone! This is my TPOL blog post! If you haven’t read about my MPOL, why not do that too! A TPOL (Transitional Presentation Of Learning) is all about sharing your learning.  You can check it out here!

I feel that I have definitely improved this year across ALL of my PLP courses. For Humanities I have been doing better work each time, writing better blog posts, and overall been better. We started off the year with medium is the message, the advertising project. If you look at the first thing that I handed in (welcome home text analysis) and one of the later ones (my final paragraph for the Renaissance project) then you can see the huge difference in my writing style. I think that PLP has helped improve my writing skills, and I hope to learn more in the future. Here is my Welcome Home Text Analysis:

I think that the message of Welcome Home is
that your everyday life doesn’t need to be dull if you
have a HomePod. You can be excited and look
forward to stuff instead of everyday being the same. I
think that the target audience is 20-30 years old, and
you need a little bit of excitement to your life. In the
video, it shows her at work, and she is very sad. But,
when she gets home she asks Siri to play something
that she likes and it gets her excited to get home
everyday. They are using the message to get the
target audience by having very vibrant colours, big
sounds, everything that I think most 20 year-olds
would like. Also, when it shows her looking in the
“mirror” it suggests that HomePods can become time
away from work, sort of like a vacation.

Here is my Renaissance:

Is time so important/not important? Why? How does the invention of time effect us
today? I find that the invention of time has been very helpful. The idea of time started a while
ago, but it was only measured in years, weeks, days, and sometimes hours. Time began with
sundials in ancient Egypt, and has continued on to today. According to my research, time in the
early Renaissance was told by sundials. Because of the sundial, it depended on where you
lived and what time of year it was to see how long the hour was. So the sundial was not very
accurate. The clock was invented in the late Renaissance by Christian Huygens. Now, time
can be hours, minutes, and even seconds. Different activities start at different times. Eventually,
humans figured out how to make an electric clock that you can wear on your wrist. This has
helped kids to keep track of time, so we can be more organized and so that our parents can
give us a certain time to be home by. I find time important because it gives people a chance to
make a certain time to meet or go to an activity. Time also has made some people over-
schedule, causing stress or anxiety. Overall, I think that time has effected us in a good way. I’d
rather have many activities because of time than have little or no activities because there is no

In Scimatics, our very first project was fractions of your time. We made a Numbers Spreadsheet about the screen time on our iPads. A recent project, Chemistry Coding, had us coding our own game in Scratch! For each project, we had to do a project start and project end mind-map. I find the difference between ones earlier in the year, and the ones later in the year INSANE!

I couldn’t find the first one, but I know that it did not have as much detail as the Chemistry Coding one.

Chemistry Coding one:

We haven’t done Maker this semester, but I’m going to talk about it anyways. Our first maker project was becoming a PLP learner. Our most recent one was Geek Out Blogging Challenge (not counting DI). The blog post that I did for becoming a PLP learner was not amazing, but it was my first one. I have improved so much since Becoming a PLP Learner. Geek out blogging challenge was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. Even from the first geek out post to the last was a HUGE improvement. 

Thanks for reading!


New Beginnings! (At the end of the year)

Hey guys! We just finished a project called New Beginnings. To start our project we made a Seycove advertisement. The Seycove part of it had nothing to do with our actual project, but the photo part of it was meant to fine-tune our photo editing skills.

Then we learned about fur trade some more and watched this video: It is AMAZING!! I highly suggest watching this series of videos, about Canada’s history. It is VERY interesting.

After that, we practiced some nature photography, and I have a few photos here that you can check out.

Comment on what your favourite photo is!

Then we got on to making our image. We pitched our idea to our teacher, then once the teacher approved it, we went out and took a final photo. Here’s my pitch and my final photo:

My topic is beaver trade.

The photo that I’m going to take is a photo of a little pond that is on the way of where I walk to school. It is sort of beside Myrtle.

For my visual one I’m going to have what’s good about beaver trade. I’m going to have a beaver on a log, the half beaver coin, and a gun.

For my visual two, I’m going to have what’s bad about beaver trade. A gravestone, a French flag, and a British flag to represent the conflict of the two sides. (at the end I didn’t actually add the two flags I thought something else would look better).

After that, we went on and made our final product! The website we used is Flourish, and it is great to make stuff just like this!

Here you go! (Slide the white line with the dot on it left and right to see the beauty of Flourish)

Thanks for reading!

Ultimate Design Challenge

Hey everyone! We just finished a Scimatics project called Ultimate Design Challenge, where we had to design something in Tinkercad to maximize either surface area or volume. In this project, I worked with Andrew. We designed a rocket ship, and I designed the inside (he designed the outside), and I wanted to maximize volume.

The reason I wanted to maximize the volume of my rocket ship, is because I saw some photos of the inside of a rocket ship, and I realized that it was really cramped inside. I thought that if there was more space, it would create a more comfy ride to wherever you are going.

We then presented our creation to the class:

Here it is!

Here are the formulas that you saw in the presentation:

Here is a close up of both mine and Andrew’s ship:




Curricular Competency’s:

Applying and Innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through personal or collaborative approaches. To put this into my own words, I think this means that we had to have a design that benefited the environment, and we had to work together well. I think that I did well in this project. Andrew and I worked together in school and out of school to make an informative presentation.

Reasoning and Analyzing: Model mathematics in contextualized experiences. For this, I think that we had to show that we were proficient in math, and do all of the basic requirements that he gave us. The requirements are as follows; A 3D object is designed using Tinkercad. The design optimized for either maximum volume or maximum surface area. The design should include at least 10 basic 3D shapes.

Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions. I think for this we need to explain all of our math, or show all of our work, as you can see in the formulas above.

Thank you so much for reading and I will see you next time!

Grade 8 DI! The Hazardous Heroes…

Hey guys, today I’m going to be talking about the end of DI. If you haven’t read my mid-DI post yet, please do so. In my DI group I had Sofia, Cameron, Keenan, Jessie, Mackenzie, and Max.

I learned a lot of important things on this project, mostly about teamwork. You cannot do a whole DI project by yourself. It just doesn’t work. You must have a working team, and all of the team members must be willing to do work. I think another very important thing that I learned is that communication is VERY important. Without proper communication, some people may not show up to an important work session.

We worked very hard to build the hazards and devices on time. They were the most important part of the performance. Yet the performance didn’t work out to well. One of our daring devices broke when we were coming in, and the other device didn’t go over two of the hazards. You can see the performance here.


There were many major steps in DI.

1. We needed to get to know the challenge. We had to highlight different parts of the rule book to make sure that we understood it.

2. We had to write the script, build the hazards, devices, and props.

3. Then, there was dress rehearsal 1. We presented what we had so far to the teachers, and they gave us feedback on how we did.

4. Using that feedback, we prepared for dress rehearsal 2. The same thing happened, they gave us feedback for dress rehearsal 3.

5. Then we had dress rehearsal 3. In this one we had everything we needed for the presentation, because the presentation was that weekend! I couldn’t believe how fast it snuck up on us.

6. We had our presentation. Then, we made this blog post!

Thanks for reading! Bye!


Chemistry Coding!

Hello everybody, today we’re going to be talking about a project we did recently in Scimatics called chemistry coding. In this project, we made a scratch game or simulator. Our game or simulator had to be about the kinetic molecular theory.

Curricular competencies:

Communication competency:

For this core competency I think that I did very well. I definitely got all my friends and family to play my game so that I could adjust it. I also helped other people with their games, which would fall into the communication competency.

Thinking competency:

I have done Scratch before, so I did know how to code a little bit. I did do most of it by myself, I just watched tutorials and made other games, and that coding knowledge helped me a lot to code my game well. With that new knowledge, I could also help other people a lot more, because I understood the program better.

Personal and Social:

I helped others a lot with my knowledge of Scratch. I also got other people to peer critique my game. I also worked on my game a lot during spring break. I got almost all of it done. I gave myself a goal and I worked towards it, and I eventually completed a very good scratch game.

Curricular Competencies:

Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest – All class time is used efficiently for learning without distractions. I think that I did well in this curricular competency. I used all of my class time efficiently and handed everything in on time. I also helped other people with their games, so I guess that’s considered playing games in class😏? But I was still helping them.

Scientific communication: communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies – Several different atoms/molecules, different states of matter, and particle motion are represented in the finished product.  A historical model of the atom is chosen and implemented. I added two different atoms, Xenon and Arsenic. I think those two weren’t common enough for everyone to know, but I think that they did fit the superpowers that I chose. I chose to represent each model of atom in the Bohr model.

Reasoning and analyzing: Use logic and patterns (including coding) to solve puzzles and play games – An interactive Scratch coded matter simulator or game is created with logical conditions and functional user controls. I think that I met this criteria most of all! I made an interactive Scratch game, and it has logical conditions, and functional controls. I chose WASD or the arrow keys to move my characters.

To start this project, we made a project start mind-map. We added questions, examples, and thoughts.

Then, a couple of days ago, once we had completed our scratch game we made a project end mind-map, which answered most of the questions on there.

Then we started to make our scratch games! Here is my programming plan that I made as an outline for my game.

  • Two characters
  • Different levels
  • Levels get harder
  • One level with lava
  • Last level with enemy
  • Arsenic can kill enemy
  • Xenon can skip any level
  • On the last level portal appears after 5 seconds

Use arrow keys to move. My game starts with the option between two characters xenon and arsenic. If you click on them, they give a description of their atom, what it is used for, and it’s superpower. Then, the first level appears. The first level is very easy, and they get progressively harder. In the last level there is an enemy that can kill you. To complete the game, get to the portal on the last level. Here’s my game!

In conclusion, I really enjoyed this project, and I am really looking forward to the next project called Ultimate Design Challenge. It just sounds like a lot of fun. I think that I could have done better if I spent a little bit more time on my game to fix a couple of bugs, but overall, I think that it was great!

Here are some games that I really liked:



The Renissance

Hi everyone!

We recently did a project on the Renissance. We had to make a paragraph and a triptych. On our triptych, we need to have three different inventions, artists, engineers, or someone/something of value in the Renissance.

I chose eyeglasses, time, and music in the Renissance.

“Eye” thought that eyeglasses are important because they helped blind or poor sighted people see and make money for their family. Because eyeglasses have helped a lot of members in my family, I think that they are very important.

Another thing was music. I love music as you can see in some of my other blog posts. I chose a royal conservatory book, a painting, and a Renissance composer to represent it.

The third thing that I chose was time. I chose to show how it has changed. It has changed from a sundial to a watch or Apple Watch.

Here is my paragraph and tryptich!

Time Throughout the Renaissance

Is time so important/not important? Why? How does the invention of time effect us today? I find that the invention of time has been very helpful. The idea of time started a while ago, but it was only measured in years, weeks, days, and sometimes hours. Time began with sundials in ancient Egypt, and has continued on to today. According to my research, time in the early Renaissance was told by sundials. Because of the sundial, it depended on where you lived and what time of year it was to see how long the hour was. So the sundial was not very accurate. The clock was invented in the late Renaissance by Christiaan Huygens. Now, time can be hours, minutes, and even seconds. Different activities start at different times. Eventually, humans figured out how to make an electric clock that you can wear on your wrist. This has helped kids to keep track of time, so we can be more organized and so that our parents can give us a certain time to be home by. I find time important because it gives people a chance to make a certain time to meet or go to an activity. Time also has made some people over-schedule, causing stress or anxiety. Overall, I think that time has effected us in a good way. I’d rather have many activities because of time than have little or no activities because there is no time. 





Loon Lake Book!

Recently, we went to Loon Lake Lodge and Retreat centre to advance. Sounds weird right? Anyways, we went to Loon Lake, which is in maple ridge to advance our learning. We had many amazing experiences there and I made a book about it.

Book creator is an app that you can use to make Ebooks. I also have another Ebook on poetry. This was meant to be a short post to showcase my book. I’ll show you the book, but first I want to tell you a little bit about my experience with Loon Lake.

When I got there, I was a bit surprised that there were no loons. I thought that I’d see one. They might only come out in spring and summer. My favourite part was either laser tag or battle archery. In battle archery you hit other people with arrows with styromfoam tips.

Here’s my


Mid D.I. Post

Hey guys and welcome back to my blog! Today I’m going to be talking about our Destination Imagination challenge, The Daring Escape. I’ll also talk about how much I think that D.I. This year was different from last year.

It is hard to make a post about DI because I can’t say anything about what we are designing for the challenge. My teammates in DI are Jessie, Sofia, Keenan, Cameron, Max, and Mackenzie.

Our challenge this year is to make 2 Daring Devices to go over three Hazards. One of the Daring Devices must be electric, and the other can’t be electric. In this challenge, a Hazard is either a barrier, a hole, a hoop, a moveable object, a tunnel, uneven terrain, or a team defined hazard. We chose uneven terrain, a tunnel, and a barrier.

The DI definition of a barrier is a Hazard that blocks a path along the tournament-provided floor. To successfully overcome the hazard all parts of the Daring Device must start on one side of the Barrier and travel completely over the Barrier to the other side. The Daring Device must not travel around, under, or through the Barrier.

The DI definition of a tunnel is a Hazard that is physically enclosed on its sides and top, with openings for an entrance and an exit. The entrance and exit may be any shape. To complete the challenge, the Daring Device must enter at one end of the Tunnel and exit at the other end of the Tunnel. All parts of the Daring Device must be fully within the Tunnel before it exits.

The DI definition of Uneven Terrain is a Hazard with a surface that is not smooth. To complete the hazard, all parts of the Daring Device must cross over the surface of the Uneven Terrain. The weight of the Daring Device must be fully supported by the surface before leaving the Uneven Terrain.

How is DI different this year than last year? DI is a lot different this year than last. Last year it was online, so it was sort of difficult to do the challenge. We got second place in the main challenge, and I don’t know how we did in the instant challenge. The instant challenge was also different, because we had about a day to complete it.

Thanks for reading! Bye!


Hello and welcome back to my blog! This is my mPOL post. It is about my learning so far this year.

I want to share with you my story of my blog posts and how much they’ve improved. At the start there were blog posts such as this one, but now, I have ones such as this. My very first blog post didn’t have many links or photos, but now, they have tons!

For Scimatics, I improved a lot from our first project, to our last project. Our first project was to create a numbers spreadsheet on how much screen time we’ve spent on our iPads. Our last project was to make a laser display using the Pythagorean theorem and lasers. 

I don’t want to get distracted as much doing homework, so that is one of my goals this year in Scimatics.

Did all the work you completed this year in Scimatics meet your standards? No, it didn’t. I do want to aim for rainbows, but in every assignment get at least a sun.

Next, I want to discuss Maker. The projects that we did in Maker were becoming a PLP learner, in which we did our Big Life Journal. Next, we did Constructing Creative Communication, then we are doing our geek out blog challenge. I have different goals in different parts of Maker. What I learned from Constructing Creative Communication as a project, is that you need to read the WHOLE of the instructions. You can’t skim over it, you must read it all. 

This is the photo that I am most proud of that I took: 

In Humanities, our first project was medium is the message, then we did the Outsiders, then we just finished working with words last night! In medium is the message, we made an ad for a company. Our company was the Deep Cove Heritage society. In the Outsiders, we learned about worldview and the Outsiders novel by S.E. Hinton. Working with words was a poetry project, in which we had to preform a poem that we wrote.

What is the most interesting thing that you learned in Humanities? The most interesting thing that I have learned in Humanities this year is how to make ads. It can be helpful later on in life, and also you can use the skills that you use to make ads in many different things.