How are thematic and mathematical elements used in game design?
This was the driving question of our project, and this gave me so much excitement, as I am a professional board game designer (I made 50 cents from selling game rules). And again, I was grouped with Tom. We started by learning the driving question, immediately followed by my first attempt at making a board game, this was trying to be more of an RPG (Roleplaying Game, not Rocket Propelled Grenade), but I didn’t have enough knowledge to make a good game, so we learned, we learned a lot about tectonic plates and did several Kahoot! quizzes, which I won 1 of and got 3rd in the second quiz. And I learned a lot, including information about the asthenosphere and lithosphere and convection which we did an experiment on, this was really interesting and taught me about mantle convection. Of course then, my board game making prowess then kicked in to overdrive, I made a map, and then scrapped it, then I made cards, and forgot to print them out, so I made a ramshackle cardboard deck of cards for the locations and trivia.
Evaluating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence
For my game, I took some fictional locales from the ace combat series of games, including the waiapolo mountains, fort greys islands, and the peony trench from ace combat 7 and the glava islands from ace combat 6, and figured out tectonic explanations for these natural occurrences, such as the peony trench being caused by a divergent plate boundary, or the glava islands being caused by a volcanic hotspot with the plate moving over it, of the waispolo mountains and waldreich mountains being caused by continental crust collision. Of course i also introduced 10 science concepts, including it not limited to sea-floor spreading, continental crust collision, being ON FIRE because of volcanic activities, volcanic hotspots, convergent plate boundaries, and other tectonic trivia, the rules for out game can be seen HERE (Like to Game) I didn’t extend here but I also wasn’t developing, in all, I personally give myself a Sun Emoji.
Questioning and predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest
I was very mediocre at this, I want exemplary, but I wasn’t bad, I was proficient. I worked with Tom in class, with some distractions, quite well, and we made a good project, next project I will try harder to STAY FOCUSED, though this is a somewhat difficult task at times, however, this is nothing compared to some kids, not to point names. This competency is harder to write about, so I wrote a shorter segment, in this discipline, I give myself a Sun and Clouds Emoji.
Understanding and solving: Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving
Oh Boy, probability, very exciting, at least for me, as it usually has something to do with board/tabletop/role playing games, or in short, my jam. In the rules I showed the calculations to forming probabilities, as well as showing probabilities. However, the in practice part of doing this was somewhat dissatisfying, but this might just be that I currently sometimes dislike working in a team.
But what’s more, we also made a mind map in MindNode, where we made questions at the beginning of the project, and then answered the questions at the end. You can see it here.
Thank you for reading
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