Constructing Creative Communication: Herzog.

Photography, the thing you either love, hate, or are somewhere in the middle, people in the middle are quite rare, or have never done photography, but this is a long-winded intro to a blog post.  We began this project with a bit of review, as we’d done photography before, and now we had probably forgotten, so we started by doing a nature walk, this was really fun and I got some good photos, which you can see some of here.

Next, we worked on editing the photos and this was the most fun art of school this year as we got to markup some photos we made, you can see mine below. This was satire on how TikTok will do anything, including stealing from public washrooms, to gain some likes

The first class was fun, but only the tip of the iceberg, we then walked down to Little Cates Park, and and began some panorama shots, this was fun, but really, REALLY rainy, but I endured, which got me this photo which looks very miniature post editing.

We then began to bring mood into our images, and the mood I was assigned was Crazed, I tried to pull out my hair, and I also made a first image that I made as a joke that showed the time being 10 pm and having 18 assignments due on Showbie.

I was really excited about the next assignment, as this was Collages, the was exciting, because I had made collages before, and I wanted to improve my skills, you can see these in my about me page, this is also true about my GIF that I made, which used keynote’s animation, to show some “Gamer Rage” when I got killed in a game, which then ends with me pulling out a mallet. You can see my collages and gif here


So to answer the driving question, technology helps me to communicate with less waste, as with say, a a drawing on paper, if I mess something up, I have to start again, whereas on the iPad I would just tap a button. Or if I were taking a photo, I wouldn’t have to wait for film to develop, I can see the image right away, and if I don’t like it, it will not be missed.

like it, I can delete it.