So you though I was done?

Well I’m not, so have fun.


Ive already made 3 posts for getting in to warhammer

Now it’s time for some stuff about me and my experiences


The Grey Knights

On thanksgiving 2021 I went to my aunts house for dinner. (I can hear you screaming “WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH WARHAMMER”) However, on the way, I stopped in at the games store near there, and what did they have? HEXFIRE


This box pitted Castellan Crowe of the Grey Knights against Xentep Korazon and Rayzarak the Pilgrim of the thousand sons.

Contained within the box was Castellan Crowe, 2 5-man units of Purifiers, and a Nemesis Dreadknights for the grey knights, fully 500 points, not nearly enough for a tournament.

So what did I turn to? That’s right. Shopping

The units not in my army included 2 Venerable dreadnoughts as well as a Land Raider Redeemer.

But that doesn’t matter, what matters is how it might play on the tabletop.

In this regard, Crowe, the land raider, Purifiers, and a dread knight would be a distraction, with a librarian and 5 terminators taking the enemy’s home field objectives.

You Can See it here



Now, with that out of the way, the people who still care are here.


Calth and Prospero.

Thats right, we’re going back to 30k.


The battle at Calth was a traitor victory in the Horus Heresy, which saw the Word Bearers pitted against the  Ultramarines. During this battle, the Word Bearers performed a ritual that ripped a hole in real space called the Ruinstorm (Even the name is imposing) with daemons pouring out of it. This effectively cut the ultramarines off from the galaxy for the rest of the heresy


The burning of Prospero was the climax of the pre-heresy rivalry between Leman Russ and Magnus the Red. However, this was only brought about due to the trickery of Warmaster Horus, telling Leman there was a “Change of Plans” and that Magnus should be killed, along with his legion.


At first, the forces were equally matched, as both legions were the same size, however, the Space Wolves deployed the Sisters of Silence, a knightly order comprised entirely of Blanks (People without a soul) who make normal people uncomfortable to be around, and an Excruciating experience for a psyker. Unfortunately for Magnus, the Thousand Sons were all psykers. This went about as badly for the Thousand Sons as you can imagine. And this was before the custodian guard were unleashed. By this point, Prospero had been all but destroyed, and this was the final nail in the coffin. However, Azhek Ahriman of the Thousand Sons opened a portal to the warp, the final escape. However, this portal also sucked the 13th company of the space wolves, The Wulfenkind. Who partially returned during the 13th black crusade to aid in the defence of Cadia.


Until Next Time

Thank you for reading