Oh boy, the renaissance, this is the 2nd time I’ve written this post, as for some reason the first attempt deleted itself.. anyways, we learned about one of my favourite time periods, the renaissance.


Anyways, we started with the dark ages, and the feudal system, this was pretty cool in our simulation, it was mostly fun because I was a lord, I also think that this helped me understand the inequality that was somewhat remedied by the renaissance, it also helped me be more humble, as I now know that I am grateful for what I have. Then we did an Iron Chef Protocol, where we had to make a single slide presentation, you can see mine here.

The class after that we made our tryptich template, in my case it was the Magdeburg cathedral, which I’ve elected as my template because of the historical significance of the sacking of Magdeburg during the 30 years war. I’ve also chosen to let you see the whole thing for yourself at the end.

And after some growth chart shenanigannery, we were done.

But what of the content, I can hear your lament…

For my tryptich I had to include an Innovation, an innovator, a cultural change and a piece of art with 2 of the items on one side, and 2 on the other, but then…. I had to transpose it to the now, which i did.

First was the 30 years war, which I wrote my paragraph about.
For this I chose a painting of the sacking of Prague, which I then connected to the war in Ukraine, due to in both scenarios having cities being wiped out for dictators and monarchs.

Second was Martin Luther, who, in my tryptich is just “chilling” in the corner, and his transposition was religious symbols, because he was fighting for freedom of religion, and that is what he got.

Thirdly, is innovation. This one is quite self explanatory, and for my Innovation, I chose a musket, and to transpose it I chose a more modern gun, in my case, an AK-47, as this is still using some principles used in the musket.

And lastly is art, for which i chose Jael and sisera by Gentileschi, due to the violence, and it. Also represents a somewhat timeless struggle, womens rights, and i transposed it into a very simple beach scape,which shows that art became simpler, and faster to produce, and yet the allure is still there.

So here is my tryptich.


and I also wrote a paragraph about why the 30 years war was historically significant.

Have you ever heard of the 30 years war? If you have, good for you, but if you don’t, let me explain. It all started in Mainz, when Martin Luther published his 95 theses , directly leading to the Protestant reformation, which i could go into much detail about al on its own. But when Bohemia revolted in 1618, 3 envoys were sent to Prague, and were promptly thrown out of a window, then, in solidarity with bohemia, Protestant nations joined the war against the Catholics, then, in 1631, in defence of the lutherans, Sweden intervened, led by king Gustavus Adolphus, and defeated the catholic league in the battle of breitenfeld, before Gustavus Adolphus was felled at the battle of Lutzen in 1632. In 1648, the Swedish force, led by count Von Konigsmarck, tried to sack Prague, but was held back from the old town in the city on the Karluv Most, known to us who speak English as the Charles bridge. This was due to the swedes waiting to sack Prague before the peace of Westfalen, or Westphalia to us, was signed.

But how does this affect historical significance? I can hear you yelling already. Well what i neglected to mention was the high amount of casualties, somewhere between 4.5 to 8 million total dead, civilians included. This directly led to both less wars of religion, because of the off-putting death toll led to people trying to settle conflicts of religion more peacefully as the 30 years war was a religious conflict, and it also led to more freedom of religion in Europe, because the war was also being fought for freedom of people to believe whatever faith they wanted, as long to was Catholicism or Protestantism. But not only that, the 30 years war also led to the ruin of the economy of the (Not) Holy (Not) Roman (Not) Empire and Germany, leading to smaller nations becoming more major players on the stage of Europe, the destruction. Of the HRE’s economy also led to its collapse, as when napoleon destroyed it, many nations were glad to be free from the overbearing of the elector counts. So to reiterate, i think this is the most significant, because it led to less wars of religion, more peace in Europe, more freedom religion, and the ruin of the Holy Roman Empire.