This was an exercise in revolutions, decapitations, and war.

Each of us was assigned a group, A. The Peasants, B. The Shopkeepers, C. The Police, and D. The nobility, I was in group D. And I had the job of fixing the nation peacefully, and when that didn’t work. Violently.


The first day was peaceful, where our great nation was in its newest, greatest stage it would be. This would lead to many things later. Our great king Charlie M. would lead us to greatness. I bought a lemonade with my noble privilege.

The Second day cost the nation much, as taxes increased. We went bankrupt, and the plan for revolution was formed.

The 3rd day was when Charlie Mortimer took absolute power, I tried to institute reforms, but the people shot them down, I was growing dissatisfied, and I signed on to the revolution.

The 4th day was boring until the evening, where I brandished my axe and deposed king Mortimer and his sycophants. I called a democratic congress, but was brutally cut down as my once great nation was taken by the forces on Nation Y. The moral of the story of the 4th day? Focus on external threats to distract from internal ones.


I think that this simulation shows that society can easily be upturned if the proletariat unites, and that our ruling class is weak and must be replaced. BIRDS ARENT REAL, ITS ALL THE CIA CHEMTRAILS, AAAAAAAAAA.

thanks for reading