Apologies, what do they mean? Why do we apologize? What does it accomplish?

This is what we covered in our latest humanities project, “The Ology of Apology”, where we were rushed to create memorials, I had a mental breakdown (or 4), and somehow we didn’t burn down the school.

This project started by learning about memorials and our first activity was creating memorials out of LEGO. I created a memorial to the world’s largest hot dog in Chicago.


Then we got on to learning about history. My group, comprising of Me, Sofia, and Mackenzie, were assigned to make a memorial apologizing for the Komagata Maru incident in 1914.

We started with a board of some wood alternative. I then 3d printed a pavilion and a ship to go on top. I also manually drilled out holes for 13 trees before I remembered that power tools exist. After creating the memorial, with 2 weeks, we also had to make several more pieces to make our projects presentable for the exhibition. I made a timeline about when South Asians got certain rights in Canada and BC, as well as the content for pitch board pitching two locations of where the memorial could be built.

Then came the exhibition, where I had a minor mental breakdown and made a PB of 4 cups of tea in 12 hours. In all, the only good thing about this exhibition was winning the voting. Another botched exhibition that only proves my thinking that they could be done MUCH better.

So what did I learn?

I learned about how memorials keep memories alive. I learned about the racist past of BC, and I reinforced my belief that exhibitions could be improved as a concept.


Thanks for reading!