“One man’s garbage is usually another man’s garbage”

Category Maker

Applied Design Skills and Technology

It’ll be Crazy*

Welcome back folks. We’re here with part the second (2) of our glorious Cray Cray Yay Yay blog posts. If you missed the first post, too bad, go read it now, and bonus points if you have any feedback for… Continue Reading →

Things is like Disneyland.

“Once upon a time, there were three men in a cave, all they did all day was watch their fire and its light dancing on the walls of the cave. Eventually, one of these men got bored, and tried to… Continue Reading →

Goals, what do they mean?

I’ll preface this post by stating that I’d learned about all of this stuff before, so not much of it was new, but aside from that I enjoyed this project. Anyways, on with the show….. Long ago, in the realms… Continue Reading →

Getting in to 40k Tabletop Gaming, The Death of Wallets

So, you hate your wallet?? GW, Games Workshop, Citadel, Black Library, Forge World, Warhammer, the Twin-tailed Comet logo, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed Eagle logo, Space Marine, 40K, 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Battletome, Stormcast Eternals, White Dwarf, Blood Bowl,… Continue Reading →

The Horus Heresy, (Prospero and Calth not included)

User:Alpharius Login:****** Last we left off, we were at the Serpent Lodge on the planet of Davin, where Erebus corrupted the Warmaster Horus Lupercal, now we get into the action which begins on the planet of Istvaan 3 (Also spelled… Continue Reading →

But wait, there’s more. (CCC Carr)

Following Herzog, i joined the Carr group, where we did drawing. Scary, right? Well it wasn’t, because it turned out that we were using sketches pro, which I have tons (2 or 3 years) of experience with, which made the… Continue Reading →

Warhammer 40,000, the bane of wallets

Let me tell you a secret. I am Alpharius Every single of the following words bears some truth   Source Before I get into what Warhammer 40,000 (40k for short) is, it’s time for a history lesson. In Turkey, many… Continue Reading →

Constructing Creative Communication: Herzog

Constructing Creative Communication: Herzog. Photography, the thing you either love, hate, or are somewhere in the middle, people in the middle are quite rare, or have never done photography, but this is a long-winded intro to a blog post.  We… Continue Reading →

I’m a PLP learner, I promise

Becoming A PLP learner bloog Post Once upon a time, in 2020, I found out about the PLP, I thought it seemed cool, so I joined, after a gruelling and brutal series of challenges, I was finally accepted. Of course,… Continue Reading →

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