Good Afternoon!
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
Over the past 4 months, I have gained a deeper understanding about myself as a learner. During this time span, I have created things that I feel proud of, and others I feel like I could have done better in. I will be reviewing my learning plan and will assess things that I have accomplished and that are still unresolved. I look forward to what in store for me in this coming year.
“You don’t learn from experience; you learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey.
Driving Question:
How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?
During Maker, I think that I have produced satisfactory work that I am proud of. Inside my learning plan, my goal was to be show both perspectives to a question. Inside my work, I think that I demonstrated this. One of these examples is my documentary. I worked quite hard in editing together the b-roll, voiceovers and interviews. I think that it shows a sophisticated understanding on the topic that we were learning about. Also, I wanted to take more risks and participate more in class. In this past year, I think that I participate in a lot more class discussions.
To improve, I can compare my work to other students that have accomplished the task that I am working on. This will allow me to review my work to make sure it is all good. If there were any ideas that other people included, I could take inspiration from them.
This year, I think that my humanities work has shown a significant improvement than last year. I felt like my work had shown a notable drop in quality. I started feeling tired and was not putting out my best work. On the other hand, I feel like I have been doing a much better job on my work this year. I show this inside most of my work inside humanities. I have been constantly accomplishing my weather rating goal in my learning plan. Inside the project Storm the Barricades, I have put in 100% of my effort and have been getting extending’s in all my assignments.
However, I think that presenting my project is something I could build on. Specifically, whenever I demonstrate my learning inside a class, I usually stutter or say “um.” Over the years, I have created a habit to fill in silence with a word. This causes my sentences to not have a certain “flow” that I hope for. Also, within my learning plan I state that I would like to pace my work instead of rushing through it in one day. I think that I had done this for most of my assignments but still occasionally do this.
In science, I have also improved my work since last year. I think that I did not push myself enough during Scimatics last year. This resulted in me getting mostly accomplished ratings during this time. However, I have been pushing myself to go above and beyond so that I can get the extending rating. I think that all of my projects demonstrate this growth.
Something I feel like I could improve on is staying on task. This is especially prevalent during science. I think that I sometimes get distracted due to the long lectures we have during this class. This results in me either talking to friends or playing games with other people.
Core Competencies
I think that I am quite an outgoing person, I enjoy talking to people and discussing ideas. This allows me to communicate any ideas/ points to other people. Like mentioned before, I feel like whenever I do presentations I occasionally stutter.
I enjoy working with other people, I usually work well with most people. I don’t mind working with someone that I don’t know because I like meeting new people. However, I feel like if people are not doing their share of their work, I get a bit annoyed.
Creative Thinking
I think that I sometimes come up with creative ideas, if I am interested inside the topic. On the other hand, if I am not curious about the topic I will not really think creatively.
Critical and Reflective Thinking
For reflective thinking, I think that I can find errors and ideas for growth in my work. Currently, I am reflecting on my past year and talk about what has so far happened. I also don’t mind taking constructive criticism on some of my work.
Personal Awareness and Responsibility
I think that I am decent at this, I always finish my work on time. However, sometimes I get distracted from work during class time and end up playing games with other people. I also know what my values are and what aspirations I have for the future.
Positive Personal and Cultural Identity
For this competency, I feel like I am quite a positive person and enjoy motivating people. I also know who I am and am proud of myself. I understand that I am from a really small country in South East Asia and have moved here.
Social Awareness and Responsibility
I think that I am socially aware of things and can tell what to do when there is a situation or somethings happens. I feel like I can respectfully talk to other people who are different than me.
Overall, I think that I have had a quite successive half year. I am proud of the work that I have created and have met a lot of new people. I still have a lot of things that I can work on and learn about.
Some things I am proud of:
Thanks for reading!