Spring Exhibition, Last Project of Grade 9!


For our final project in grade 9, we have learnt about Canada’s history during WWI and how they were significant during it.  Canada was a driving factor that prevented the German army to conquering WWI, they fought and won many vital battles that eventually led to the ally’s victory.  For the exhibiton, we were tasked to create a museum about World War I.  So this project was displayed in the Spring Exhibition 2023.  I hope you enjoy reading about my last project in grade 9!  Hope to see you in grade 10!

The first thing we learnt about was museums, and how it works.  We went to a local museum located in Lonsdale, called Monova.  It showed North Vancouvers history, and was split into different sections like industry, passion, etc.  We learnt to engage our audience with their senses, make exhibits interactive and much more.  For keystone 1, I wrote a bunch of notes and answered questions about how museums work.


After learning about museums, we learnt about was famous battles during WWI that Canada fought in.  The Battle of Somme, Battle 0f Ypres, Battle of Vimmy ridge were all significant fights that Canada took the lead in.  They were successful in conquering many areas which had Great Britain and France struggling to deal with.  However, life in the war was not all that good.  In propaganda ads, they portrayed fighting in the front lines, glorious, and patriotic.  You would be “serving your country” with honour.  In reality, it was filled with death and destruction, with diseases that plagued through the trenches.  Life back in Cananda was also difficult, they enlisted “soldiers of soil” to increase farming to send to the front lines in Europe.  Not only that, but immigrants also that migrated into Canada were sent into internment camps.  This resulted in families being separated, people being mistreated and much more.  I took interest in this topic and decided to write my keystone 2 paragraph on it.


For the final keystone, that we would be presenting in the exhibition, I chose to be in the group “Creation Vs Destruction.”  I feel like this really shows what happened during World War I.  Even though there were a lot of new technology used for destruction, there were also some good items such as radios, plastic surgeries, and others.  I used this idea and created a digital slider to contrast the inventions created during the World War I era.  This allowed it to be interactive and interesting to the audience.    Along with it, I wrote out a bunch of paragraphs, listing out each invention in more detail.

Overall, I quite enjoyed this project, it was fun and interesting learning about Canada’s history.  However, if I could go back and do this project again, I feel like I could have improved my final product (digital slider).  As I mentioned within my tPOL, instead of just making one digital slider, I could have made 4 different sliders, that would each fill the four computers that I had.  I feel like this was a missed opportunity because it would have been a lot more interesting and interactive.   Apart from that, I think I’ve had a really successful grade 9 year!

See you next year!


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