The Second World War; the Biggest and Bloodiest Conflict

Good afternoon,

Welcome back to my blog, this is the second project that I have finished in my grade 10 year.  In this project, we learnt about the significance of Canadian contribution to World War II, and how it shaped us into a nation.  We learnt about our history, and how we may prevent another conflict that could potentially destroy the world.  Enjoy reading…?

Driving Question:

Why is it so important to learn about Canada’s involvement in WWII?

To start of our project, we needed to actually know what happened during the war.  Lots of people died throughout 1939-1945, however, it was mostly civilian casualties unlike the prior war.  The results of World War I heavily influenced and helped lead to World War II, by putting most countries in political turmoil and in an economic depression. These factors helped eventually lead to World War II. With this, the consequences of World War II had a major impact on the world. Military alliances, technology, and wars, are still a result of the Second World War. Along the way, we learned about Canada’s significant involvement in the war, and how it helped the allies claim the victory. To put the knowledge we had learn to the test, we did a set of Kahoots. During this part of the project, I feel like I learn the most, and understand how I will be answering the driving question.

While building our knowledge about World War II was important, we also needed to learn how to write both formally and properly.  We used a type of formatting called the PEE technique, to make sure that we include the necessary information required within each of our points.  It stands for: P, point, E, evidence, E, explanation.  This method gave us a way to fit in all of information.  We also learned about the structure of an essay, and how each paragraph serves a different purpose.

After this, we had to put our knowledge to the test by creating a group keynote presentation on the consequences of World War II, that we would show to the entire class. My group chose the topic of the United Nations, and its consequences after the Second World War.  For this keystone, I worked with Magnus, Kira, and Luca.  I mostly worked on the causes/ founding of the United Nations, and why it came about.  It was formed after World War II, to maintain peace and stability within all nations in the world.  This would also allow each countries power to be monitored and regulated if it need be.  Learning about a specific topic that was a direct consequence really showed the effects World War II it had on the war.  I was now using the knowledge we had gained in the previous keystone to create something.


Before being able to start our essay, we needed to create multiple different ideas to base of our writing.  I came up with multiple ideas, some include the technological advancements made during that time, the causes of World War II, that shows why they were so significant, political/economical changes between different countries after the war, and the affect it had on people living at around that time.

To put our knowledge we had gained throughout this project to the test, we were tasked with creating a five paragraphed essay that covers over a certain topic to do with World War II.  I chose the topic of the causes of World War II, and why they were so significant.  Without World War I or the economic depression, the biggest war in mankind would not have been fought.  Even though the consequences were significant, I feel like these factors are just as important.  I wrote a lot about ideologies, and how the rise of nationalism helped dictators rise to the top.  If you would like to read my essay, click here:

To answer the driving question, Canada’s involvement was a major event in our nation’s short history.  This was once of the only major conflicts that we had participated in, and had heavily contributed to the allied victory.  I think that it is important to know about our previous generations sacrifices, and how they managed to prevail with almost no hope.  Learning about our past is also a way that we could prevent another major conflict in the future from happening.

Overall, I think that I did a great job in learning about our past, and how it has shaped us into the world it is today.  However, I feel like my final essay could have been tied more about Canada, and less about Europe.  I found it hard trying to find ways Canada contributed to the start of World War II, which made me not mention it very much in my final project.  To conclude, I believe that I did a great job, but could have improved in some areas.

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