A Shark’s Den – Back to the Future!

Hellooo people!

After completing this long awaited project, it is time to start the reflection and examine the work that I built along the way.

Driving Question: How do you set yourself up to become the person you want to be?

The learning journey involved not only allowed me to grow as a person, but understand what I want to do in the future. These everyday skills that I learnt are vital in the work world.  Lets get right into the skills I learnt!

Stress Management:

Everyone faces it, everyone needs to deal with it, stress is part of everyone’s day to day life.

Under the short duration and pressure we had during this process, it has really allowed me to understand what calms me down, and what I need to do to in order to prevent it.

I enjoy taking long deep breathes, reflecting what I have done, and try to maintain a calm composure when under lots of stress.  Realizing that is all okay, and that I have had a lot of experience in this type of things allows me to realize that I can do this.

Knowing who I am and what I want to be:

Before starting this project, I had a rough understanding of what I wanted to do, and where I want to be. Along the journey, I realized that staying in a job and not starting anything of my own is something I do not want to do.

My parents, my motivation and inspiration, has made me come to a realization that I would like to start something of my own in the future; whether it has to do with technology or not.

Understanding who I am and where I want to be has become clearer than before.  This project gave me the time to reflect and think of what I want to do.

What it takes to get there:

Realizing that not everything is easy and having to work to be able to achieve the goal you want is what people often overlook. Everyone wants something, but nobody has the courage and determination to actually start.

To achieve my goals; to be able to enter the technology industry I need to be able to have the skills and knowledge to start. Doing side projects and creating what I want is something that I need to work on. I believe that I have the fundamentals, but lack the evidence to show for it.

A lot of companies and universites would actually like to be able to see your skills, and how you have implemented it into your work.  By doing projects it shows that there are things that you have created and they know what you were doing.

Here is a link to the document I created throughout this project:


During the process of creating my pitch, I tend to create a full script for my projects, which leads to a static and robotic type voice that people often get bored with.

In this case, I made a script, but refrained from using it. I had memorized the contents of it and tried to not use my cue cards at all. I didn’t follow what was written, thinking of words on the sport and from past experience. This process had allowed me to keep eye contact with the judges, and have a certain flow to my words.

Practice was my key to success.  The phrase “practice makes perfect” encompasses my idea and purpose for this project.  Friends, family, even teachers listened and watched me practice my pitch to them.  I made sure that I had all the concepts down, and focused on creating interactivity with the audience.  I made sure to smile, maintain eye contact, and most of all, ask them questions to keep them engaged.

Cover Letter – Christian Lo Resume – Christian Lo

Answer to driving question:

I do not need to have everything planned out for the future, just taking it step by step and achieving my goals is what I need to focus on. Planning out each day and making sure that every passing day is better than before is something that I want to be able to do. Having not everything planned is okay, and people our age should not have to stress about knowing where they want to be in the next couple of years.

Along with this, just having a couple clear set goals that you want to be able to achieve is what most should strive for. These goals should better you as a person; whether it is to eat more healthy or start going to the gym.

Overall, I genuinely really enjoyed this project. I found the idea of a shark tank pitch to be really effective, in not only being able to present yourself, but understanding who you are and what skills you offer. In my recent years of PLP, I have to say that this was one of my all time favourite projects, and would love to do something similar in the future.

Thanks for reading!


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