Hello Ms. Mc, Hello Parents!
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
“You don’t learn from experience; you learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey.
I believe that this was one of my most successful years in PLP: I’ve implemented new working plans and utilized previous habits for me benefit.
Vision Mission Values (VMV)
Vision: Better my community!
The main area that has allowed me to significantly grow in my learning is asking other people for help, and helping others when needed.
Notable people: Daniel, Logan and Lucas.
I’m not the best at everything, I have strengths and weaknesses. Utilizing other people to help with my growth will allow me to become better at things I struggle with. I tend to write as much as possible; a habit that leads me to write a lot of unnecessary writing. I’ve slowly gotten better at focusing on quality over quantity and looking at the bigger picture. I think it’s shown in my humanities work, my last presentation delved deep into my area of focus, and my grade showed it. If I focus on improving my work, the marks will follow.
Helping others in areas that I enjoy and excel in is something that I have improved on over this past year. It tests your knowledge; it makes sure that you understand the topic. During my study block, I work with the people mentioned above in areas like math, chemistry, PLP, and other aspects of school to help each other put out the best possible work. We’ve created a sort of study group that helps push each other to become better.
These two aspects both play a role in my VMV, connecting to all my values.
I’ve engaged positively in my community through this idea of helping each other.
I’ve communicated and collaborated with my friends to create work that I’m proud to present.
I’ve been honest and led others to become successful in their own regard.
So at the end of the day: How have I shown growth as a learner so far this year?
Though I’ve always been open to feedback, I’ve been seeking critique and pushing my work to become better. My final product tends to have been seen by multiple people, with a couple rounds of critique being done beforehand. This mPOL right now has probably been seen by my friends a couple times.
I’ve been blessed with a good set of friends that’ll support me through my work.
Areas that I want to focus on:
Put the same care and effort on smaller assignments, not just on the final product.
Able to maintain the same level and quality throughout the year.
Thanks for listening!