Good Afternoon Teachers and Parents,
Thank you for coming out to my pre-pol, I have created a blog post with evidence to show my upcoming goals and how I will grow in the coming year.
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
“You don’t learn from experience; you learn from reflecting on experience.” – John Dewey.
My Learning Plan:
So… how will I be achieving these goals. Grade 10 has been a year where we have learnt positive strategies to help boost our productivity. Since starting the personal productivity project, I have created a firm understanding on certain activities and apps that really boost my productivity and organization skills. We experimented on different applications for about four weeks, and found out what works best for us. For my personal piece of media, I have created a video also to go with my pre-pol, providing evidence for each of these areas that will support my growth.
The next time I have a mPOL or tPOL, I will document my growth and how each of these aspects has positively changed me. I will create another video that shows evidence of this growth like the one I have made today.
Thanks for Listening: