My Amazing Mother

Here is my metaphorical paragraph about my mother.

My mother is a bumble bee who lives in a man’s world. She is are family’s heart that beats with compassion. She is the general of the S.S Ross.Teresa lives the life of an explore every day and reminds us of her mistakes. The sleeping beauty lies in her humble home. She is the dolphin and the tiger of animal kingdom. My mother is my beacon of light.

Explanations of my metaphors.

I started my metaphorical paragraph explaining her hard work ethic “Bumble Bee”. The “mans world” part shows how she lives in a house of guys. The next two sentences explain how she keeps the family together and productive. I used the words general and heart to signify centre. The “heart that beats with compassion” is how she is always loving and compassionate. My mother always tries new things “life of an explore” and reminds us of her mistakes. She is beautiful as I say she is a “sleeping beauty”. The “humble home” signifies how we live in a nice medium size house, the word humble is supposed to have a double meaning as she never brags. I used dolphin and tiger to signify that she is smart(dolphin) and strong(tiger). The last sentence is a metaphor is that I can follow the light she shines at the end of the tunnel.

How I created the paragraph.

My metaphorical paragraph was easy to create as I had a strong knowledge of my topic. I started by thinking of traits my mother has. The first thing that came to my mind was she works hard and what works hard a bumble bee. I continued to use this strategy through out the rest of my work.

What I learned.

The aspect of describing my writing I have never done before and really helps me transmit what I am thinking to the readers. What I learned from doing this assignment is that describing my writing and my poems in the will help me get my ideas in my writing or poem across to the consumer.

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