The Dutch aren’t they the ones who wear Clogs?

The annual tulip festival a beautiful show of affection between two former British colonies. Every year in may tulips are sent from the Netherlands to Canada. In 2016 over one million tulips were on display in the Canadian Capital. The tulip is the Netherlands national flower. This demonstration is to show appreciation for Canadians role in liberating the Netherlands during the Second World War.

Our class was asked to research a topic about WW2 that we looked into during class and create an inquiry question. Here is my inquiry question- Was there a long lastin
g change in relations between te average civilian of the Netherlands and Canada and is their still a cherished relationship today?

The relationship between Canada an the Netherlands affect the average Canadian in some way. Today there is about one million people of Dutch decent who live in Canada. One being my teacher, but Ms. Willemse is the odd man out when it comes to Dutch occupations. The Dutch have brought many of their expertise to Canada ecspecially in agricultural. The Dutch and Canadians also have an exceptionally strong military alliance. They buy and sell many military equipment for example the Netherlands sold Canada 100 Leopard tanks. Canada and Netherlands also fought together in Afghanistan.

Canada and the Netherlands are both founding members of NATO and many other peacekeeping treaties.

The two countries also have strong trade realations. The Netherlands is the 8th largest destination for Canadian exports.

Both Canada and the Netherlands promote studying and working in the other country. They do this by offering special visas that make it easy to study and find work. This demonstrates respect for each other’s culture and practices because they hope those who studied and worked abroad bring their knowledge back to their country.

In some way shape or form most Canadians are effected by the relationship with the Netherlands. This realtion may be culturally, business or military and is appreciated by most Canadians as we help each other become wealthier, safer and happier countries. So to answer my inquiry question there is a cherished relationship between Canadians and Dutch wether we realize it or not.

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