How did it start?

How to did World War I start? Well France and Germany…… Just kidding I won’t bore you with a play by play of how World War I began. I also wouldn’t be able to tell exactly how it started. What I can tell you is how I think it happened. To do this I created a video with my friend Nash. This video is created under the guidelines of our thesis for the video.

This our thesis.

The Great War was spawned by a complicated military and political alliance system between the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance and both sides readiness for war and imperialism desire, the Serbian and Austrian conflict with Archduke Ferdinand was just a coincidence the war was going to happen no matter what.


To create this video we had to delve deep into the political unrest of Europe leading up to the war. We had to research the reasons behind the creation of the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance and the fall out of other political alliance such as the one between Germany and Russia. Through our research we were clearly able to see why the war happened. The two alliance were clearly pitched against each other. The Triple Entente was created mainly to balance power in Europe to combat the Triple Alliance. The result was inevitable two major alliances geared to the teeth and willing to fight for for their imperialism desires.

To sum it all up the Great War was going to start no matter what the tension between the two alliance was just to high.

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