Beazley 1944 September 22nd

We are moving forward with world history in class and we have just done World War 1 so what’s next? World War 2 of course. We just had one horrible and costly war so let’s have another one. To research World War 1  we created a journal entry to delve deeper into the life of a soldier. For World War 2 we are doing the same thing.

I had to choose a soldier from Canada. With the help of this website I could easily find a soldier. The website also provided a lot of detailed primary sources of wartime documentation.

The soldier I choose was Beazley Vincent Williams. I will show you my journal entry then explain my descions I made to configure my entry.







There were few things I found in the documentation that I used to structure my entry.

First I found that one of his passions was reading.


Second I saw he was religious.



Thrid I discovered his occupation.


Finally I found that he had a wife and a child at the time of his death.



In my journal entry I tried to portray the thoughts of a religious soldier struggling with the evil actions of Hitler. I refer to Hitler as the devil and the world he created  as hell. I also demonstrate the destruction of France by saying its other worldly and painting the picture of the destruction of towns.

The biggest difference I found between the life of a soldier in  World War 1 and 2 is the technology and the hatred of different ideologies. Communism, Fascism and Capitalism are all so vastly different I could see why it was so hard to see eye to eye with the enemy. These ideological differences allowed hate to spread like wildfire between the different alliances. The best way to describe the role of Ideology in World War 2 is that it played the same role religion played in other wars.


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