🌎My Worldview: A Portfolio Post 🌎

     In the past weeks, my class in PLP 8 has been working on a project based upon the idea of worldview. We began the project with surprisingly little knowledge of what a worldview really was. After covering the basics, we started out with a small pre-test. The sheet was made up of questions relating to personal opinion or worldview. We were instructed to answer each question thoughtfully as they were deep and difficult to answer. A while later we began to learn the proper vocabulary associated with the topic of worldview itself. ( i.e. pervasive, point of view, perspective… )







   Eventually we moved on to the real project within the project, or big idea per say. Our Explain Everything’s. Explain Everything is an application used for the making of presentations, videos, projects, and mind mapping. To do so, we has to come up with a plan. It started with our MindNodes, and ended with a post on our YouTube channels. We made scripts that majority didn’t follow and had a lot of fun with this project.





   During this study, we focused on the religious worldview and how it effects those around us even if we or they do not practice any particular religion. We went on three field studies with our cohort, they included; Hindu Temple, Chinese Buddhist Temple, Tibetan Buddhist Monastery, Sikh Temple, Jewish Synagogue, Islamic Mosque, and Roman Catholic Church. Going to each of these places taught me something that is unique. The experience taught me about the worldview of society, in my case the western worldview, a valuable lesson to learn.


Our almost final project was as mentioned an Explain Everything on our newly discovered personal worldview. Here’s mine!


This entire project has taught me multiple valuable lessons and facts of life and the lives around us. I hope that you enjoyed my worldview Explain Everything and if you have yet to watch it please do and feel free to comment on this or any of my previous or future posts.


Ciara ✌️



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