Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another summative learning portfolio post! This post is monumental in the fact that it marks the end of our first project of our grade 10 year. Honestly you don’t know how weird that feels to say, grade 10, wow. It’s been quite the ride being here since I started high school in 2018 and honestly I still feel the way I did then. Confused as can be. Obviously I’ve learned a lot through my experiences and I’ve come a long way both academically and personally. But as it always seems to be, I’m still constantly asking myself, do you know who you are? Over the past couple years we’ve been asking ourselves questions like, how would you define your worldview, or how does where you are impact who you are? Now we’re at the grade 10 checkpoint and the questions we’ve answered in the past all sort of come together. Over the past 5 weeks we were challenged with the question, what does the term identity mean to you, and how can your represent a part of your identity through a podcast? Check out my milestone 2 post that answered the first part of that loaded question.

johnhain / Pixabay
I’ve never been one to listen to podcasts in my free time. I much prefer TV or a book or even human interaction, until now. Our task for project podcast was to create a podcast plan and and trailer. We had to come up with an original idea or a podcast that we’ll be adding to for the entirety of grade 10. Of course, to tie in our understanding of identity, this had to be a topic with a twist that made it more you. I chose to create a podcast that covers conspiracy theory’s but isn’t somber or serious like most other conspiracy podcasts. Instead mine will be funny and upbeat because while some people might disagree, I can be funny and have a typically loud and arguably obnoxious personality.
After we had our plans set and ready to go, we did some classic peer critique, something we’re very used to by now. My classmate, Angelo was my partner and I had the pleasure of critiquing his podcast plan, which by the way is totally awesome so go check it out once our first episodes air! The entire point of peer critique is to give and receive kind, helpful, and specific feedback so you can make improvements. At that point I was still very weary of my podcast idea and didn’t have a solid plan to pitch but as I started to talk about my ideas the rest sort of came to me. This is the reason I love peer critique. I always feel like the pressure has been lifted because I’m pitching to someone who is trying to figure it out just as much as I am so it a lot easier to go with the flow.
The making of a podcast is a feat I have yet to tackle but will soon. Making a trailer on the other hand was the task that I feel I did a really good job with. My trailer below is my final product, one I have yet to receive feedback on. I’m pretty proud of it mostly because the music I created in GarageBand slaps hard. For each of our trailers we had to create our own intro and ending music in GarageBand. Overall we’re pretty familiar with the software but here’s always so much more to learn. I also made the choice to have music playing behind my voice over. All these tiny decisions about music, context, wording, sound effects, naming, and recording are what made our trailers as good as they are. Everything comes together to show how well myself and my peers can use our technology to creatively and effectively communicate. Funnily enough that our only competency for this project was Creative Communication. What a coincidence!
(This is my podcast trailer, enjoy!)
“Totally Awkward Random”
All in all this project was a success. I’m happy with the final product that I brought to the table and I’m very excited for our next project, which entails creating our first podcast episode. Wish me luck!
Thanks for coming to this Ted Talk