People and the Environment

Welcome to my very first humanities blog post of Gr. 9! We recently completed our first humanities project and I’m going to be writing all about it today. This project was all about people, the environment, and how they affect each other. It has been 5 weeks since we started this project and in this post I’m going to tell you all about the process of completing this project and the final product. 

Just like many of our other PLP humanities projects, we started off by answering some Need To Know’s which were just any questions we had about the project.






To start our project, we did a baseline writing assignment that was supposed to answer the question “In your opinion, are more people today protectors of nature or destroyers of nature?” This assignment was to practice using evidence and evidence I used for my argument was based off the fashion industry and the effects of fast fashion on our environment, as it’s an issue that I have learned about a lot. Here are the paragraphs I wrote for that assignment.







An interesting thing about this project was that we completed a large part of it on a website called Commonlit where we read stories about environmental issues and then answered questions about the stories. These stories were all Milestone 2. These Commonlit assignments helped us learn about using evidence in our writing and were interesting stories to read. Here are some of my completed Commonlit assignments. 






The final product of this project was a letter about an environmental issue to someone in power in BC. To write this letter, we had to find out what issue we wanted to write about, and who we wanted to write to. The issue I chose to write about is the lack of clean drinking water on First Nations reserves in BC. I think this is a super important issue for many reasons so I decided to use it as my topic. I presented my topic to my teachers and then got approved, so then it was time to research all about my topic.

Milestone 1 was a letter planning conference with a teacher where we would present our research and then refine it with the teacher’s help. This was the feedback I got back. 








With this feedback, I created my letter outline and found out there was a minister of Indigenous relations and reconciliation that I could write to. Here is the letter outline I created:







However the outline was just the start. I then wrote the letter, got peer feedback, feedback from Gr. 11’s, and teacher feedback. Here were some of my letter drafts with the critique. 















After all the work, I was able to put together a final letter. I’m super proud of how it turned out, and I hope it will cause some change for the better!

For Milestone 3, we did a final writing assignment. This was a 3-paragraph essay where we had to connect the theme of our letter to the theme of a Commonlit story we completed of our choice. This assignment was completed in class with the help of an outline we created previously. I am super proud of how I did on this Milestone and I think it helped show my understanding of using evidence in text.








In conclusion, I think this project really helped develop my worldview and my writing skills. I’m super excited to see what comes of my letter and what we’ll do next in Humanities 9!

Sincerely, Me

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