Case For a Nation

Hello and welcome back to my blog! Today’s post is about a recent humanities project, Case For a Nation. In this project we learned all about nationalism, more specifically how nationalism shaped the Canada we know today. The main goal of this project was to create an instagram post that reflects a topic of our choosing that relates back to nationalism. I was in a group with Mickey and Ines, and our topic was Confederation Conferences + John A. Macdonald.

To start off this project, we learned the definition of nationalism. The textbook definition is “identification with one’s own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.” An example of nationalism today would be the truckers convoy in Canada. They believe that very firmly in their morals and came together as a group to obnoxiously protest for their cause.

an activity that I enjoyed doing was called Rebellion Scene Investigation, and it involved Upper and Lower Canada. We went to a website that simulated a scene in the beginnings of Canada involving the French and the English. Here are some observations I made:






Answer to the driving question:

How can an understanding of nationalism of the past, help us make sense of today?

I think the understanding of nationalism in the past specifically helped me make sense of present-day Canada and more specifically how society treats indigenous people. I believe that the nationalist beginnings of Canada and how Indigenous people were sent to reserves shows that even today Indigenous people struggle to get by independently. This is truly a reflection of how the Canadian government has treated Indigenous people over the years. This is an answer to the driving question using a specific example of Canada but there are many other examples of past nationalism in other countries.

The end product of our project was an instagram post about our topic which can be found here:

(to be linked)

To make this post, each person in our group came up with 3 images, a quote, a drawn on image, and a free choice. Here are my 3 images:















I had to switch my drawn on image to be a quote to fit my group members. Here are the 3 final images:
















Thank you for reading this post!



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