Hello and welcome to my MPOL blog post. MPOL stands for Mid-year Presentation Of Learning. In this post I’ll be reflecting on the work I’ve done and the goals I had set for myself for this half on the school year. I’ll be going over my learning plan goals, reflecting on things I think I did well, and reflecting on things I could’ve improved on. I’ll be using my learning plan goals and competencies to guide this blog reflection.

Although some of my learning plan goals weren’t totally met, and I feel my work could’ve been improved in various ways, I think this semester has been very valuable as a learner and I’ve grown a lot.  







I think my communication competency was best displayed in Ology of Apology. This was our winter exhibition project so it involved lots of communication with parents. The actual project itself involved lots of communication to group members to work together effectively. 

During the exhibition, we had to make an engaging and easy to understand explanation for the events of the Komagata Maru and tell all the exhibition visitors about it. I think my group had a pretty good short presentation and we had an engaging story to tell. 

I also communicated effectively in that project by working together with my group members to combine Keynotes and make our final project. We had to work together to somehow combine ideas and keynotes to make one final product. It was a challenge as one of our group members had a completely different topic but we managed to communicate well to create one cohesive final product. 












I believe I used my thinking competency well in our Gold Rush project in a few different ways. The project involved a lot of critical and reflective thinking about how to compile the information I learned about the BC gold rush and make a historical fiction story. Due to the limited information available about my topic, I had to use critical and reflective thinking to gather information and write it into historical fiction, filling in the gaps with what I knew about the time period.














I believe I used this competency well in the Loon Lake field study. Specifically the Positive Personal and Cultural Identity aspect. In our field study, I think I learned a lot about myself, my leadership style, values, and goals. This field study also falls into the Personal Awareness and Responsibility aspect. I was able to make plans and goals for my future keeping my values in mind. I made goals specifically tailored towards me and plans for how to achieve them. 






I think I used the social awareness and responsibility competency well in our Winter Exhibition. My project and presentation involved educating lots of people who stopped by about important historical injustices in Vancouver’s past. 


Learning plan reflection

In this part of the blog, I’ll be reflecting on my learning plan I made at the start of the semester and writing about whether I met my, goals, where I excelled, and where I fell short. 


















My first goal in my learning plan was to set homework times every day. This is a goal that I did not reach and will be readjusting. Setting specific homework times was just not a productive goal considering my lifestyle which involves many plans changing frequently and different daily routines. 

My second goal was to start using tutorial time to my full advantage. I made a goal to go to tutorial time every day if I’m behind in work until I catch up. This goal was met and was a helpful goal to have. I now go to tutorial time a lot more compared to last year and it has helped me a lot. For example, the times I was sick this semester, I found myself falling behind in my course work a bit, but it was much more manageable with tutorial time. 

My third learning plan goal was start asking teachers for help more often. This is a goal that I’m still trying to achieve and one that I’ve been working on for a while. While I still struggle with this, I think I am getting better.

The fourth goal I made was to try and evaluate the different learning styles in group work and find a way to work in harmony with them so I don’t take a backseat in the work or end up taking on all the work. I think I’m still working to achieve this goal and I haven’t met what I hope for this goal to look like yet. The Gold Rush project was individual so I couldn’t work on that goal then, and Ology of Apology and Romeo and Juliet ended up with me sort of controlling all the group work. I hope to keep working on this goal throughout next semester. 

The last area of improvement I wrote about on my learning plan was to improve my writing skills. This was a rather vague goal, but I do feel like I met it. The Gold Rush project was a great opportunity for me to improve my creative writing, and in the end I feel as though I wrote a story I was really proud of. 


Work I’m proud of:

I think I did pretty well in a few assignments throughout the semester. The first one is my Gold Rush story. I was very proud of the story, but this is also a fail for me, because I ended up with a low accomplished because it didn’t fully meet the criteria. Another assignment I’m proud of is my Keynote in Ology of Apology. The first draft needed revisions, but I took the critique and made a keynote that I’m pretty proud of. The last assignment I’m going to mention is the final monument in Ology of Apology, which I got an extending on. I really liked how the final monument came together and I think my group’s exhibition presentation was pretty good.






Work I’m not proud of:

I would say that I’m not super pleased with my story planning for our gold rush project. I think most of it lacked considerable effort and had a lack of motivation seen in it. I found the Gold Rush project a bit difficult due to me being away due to being sick and volunteering at Outdoor School for a good chunk of the project. 







Grading goals:

This semester I was aiming for an accomplished, specifically high accomplished. I think most of my work ended up at an accomplished level, but next semester I hope to aim a bit higher, not necessarily in the extending level, but I do want accomplished/extending. 


Moving forward:

Going into Semester 2, I would like to stick with all my learning plan goals and try my best to achieve them all. I think the goals I set will help me in my PLP classes and I need to try and utilize them the best I can. I would like to keep my high accomplished grading goal and try to achieve extending occasionally. I think always extending doesn’t seem like a realistic goal for me at the moment but maybe could be readjusted in the future. 

A new specific goal I’ve made for the semester to try and earn more extending grades, is to ask teachers specifically for feedback and revise my work until it’s at an extending level. This goal also helps me work on my previous goal of asking for help when needed. 

This is the end of my MPOL blog, thank you for reading. I hope that my next semester goes well and I can achieve the goals I set and always try my best in my work.



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