Yep, it’s that time of year again. The reflection of one of the toughest battles PLP has to offer. As I write this intro, I’m waiting for the announcement of the results that will come in about 4 hours. To tell the truth, I’m not too worried about how my team places. I think we put our all into the solution and whether that get recognized isn’t up to us. If you haven’t caught on, this is a blog post on Destination Imagination, which we finished on April 2nd. The tournament took place at St. George’s school for boys. It was the fanciest school I’ve ever been inside. It really reminded me of Hogwarts. My teammates were Alicia, Nolan, Ewan, Luca, and Mickey. We each had a pretty unique skill set that made it easy to divide the work and collaborate with. (Update: We came first place!)

I went into this project thinking it was going to be fairly similar to last year’s but I was quite wrong. Everything was online last year so it was quite a shift.






To start off the project, we learned a whole ton about our challenge, Tricky Tales. Our group was in the Fine Arts challenge which was my first pick so I was glad about that. There were a whole lot of details involved in the challenge but the main things were:

  1. We must create a trickster character based off tricksters in mythology, movies, books, or other media. 
  2. We must incorporate a costume change
  3. We must have an illusion

To start off the creative process, we wrote down lots of ideas for the story, set design, illusions, and costumes. We decided as a team that it would be super cool to do a steampunk theme throughout the story. 


































We divided the work into categories, costumes, costume transformation, illusion, script, and team choice elements. I was mainly in charge of costumes, and parts of the costume transformation. I love to sew and it was exciting to explore into the steampunk aesthetic which was something I’ve always wanted to do. Our costume transformation was inspired from our steampunk theme. We had steampunk inspired wings that went up along with a skirt that went from a top to a skirt. The wings worked using a pulley system. I worked on sewing, designing, and creating all of the costumes and made the signs we used. I’m super proud of all the work I did!

The Story:

Our story follows the adventures of our main character, Octavia Delphinium. Octavia is the best trickster in the small town of Blimpburg. She shows the audience how much fun being a trickster is and does some tricks on the residents of Blimpburg. She steals money, changes the time on a pocketwatch, and sabotages the inventors wings so they don’t work during the invention convention. She then decides that those tricks aren’t big and mischievous enough. Octavia decides to break the grand clock of all time, making it so time is frozen completely. The clock wizard then comes out and confronts her. He gives her a few choices. Either she can stay in the frozen timeline, fix all her tricks to fix time, or destroy all time and herself included. She decides to go right her wrongs. She gives the money back, fixes the time, and fixes the wings. She then goes back to the clock wizard and decides to turn back time so it’s in a loop and she can play tricks on everyone for all eternity.

Here’s our video!

In conclusion, although it was stressful, was a great learning experience for me. It forced me out of my comfort zone and made me work with people who have a very different way of getting things done than me. Those outside perspectives on learning helped me see how to become a better learner using new communication and task management skills. As always, thanks for reading and stay posted for a scimatics post very soon!



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