Posted on June 24, 2016
This was such a great year. I loved doing so many projects and using technology to learn. This was probably one of the best school years I’ve had so far. I was very proud of a lot of work I did this year. For my best evidence of learning I would have to pick my blue sky project. I put a lot of time and effort into it and I am extremely proud of how it turned out. When I first started this project I thought it was going to be really easy. I was wrong, but I’m happy it wasn’t easy. I worked really hard on it and it made me feel so proud of it when I was done. It took a lot of trial and error. I used to give up on projects if I messed up and I didn’t do that this time. Even when I had a good product for this project I thought of ways I could make it better and I redid it. It shows a lot of growth from the beginning of the year. For the mini blue sky we did in December I didn’t work that hard on it and I was not happy with how it turned out so I knew that I would have to work a lot harder on this one. In the end I’m not only proud of how the project turned out I’m also proud of how much effort I put into it. If you want to read more about it I wrote post on it Here. I can’t wait for the next blue sky project.
For the best evidence of learning and work that could be improved I would have to pick my blog. I have never been excited to write a blog post and I really don’t enjoy doing them. I feel that is why I never put much effort into them. There have been some blog posts that I am proud of but most of them aren’t that good. Most of the time I’m not thinking about how good the blog is I’m just thinking about getting it done. My blogs were better at the beginning of the year but have defiantly gotten worst. A lot of my posts went up late and are repetitive and could use some more creativity. I know for next year I will definatley have to work harder on them. I will have to be better with my time manegment so I can get them done while still having enough time to make them good. I will also have to be a lot more creative so they don’t all sound the same. I will probably write a couple of posts in the summer to help me right better posts for next year.
This has been an amazing year and has changed me so much. I have not only become a better learner but I have become a better person. I have made so many great friends that have helped me become a better person. At the beginning of the year I was really shy and didn’t like to present my work to people. Now I’m a lot more confident with my work and find it easier to present it to people which was a big goal of mine. I have also gotten a lot better at using critique from other people and critiquing my own work. I used to struggle at finding ways to make my work better but now even when I’m finished I still think of ways I could have improved my work. One of my biggest goals from the beginning of the year was to get more of a growth mindset and I feel like I have definatley done that. I now believe that I can change and I have changed since the beginning of the year. Without PLP I would probably still be a shy person who is never confident with her work but now I’m so much more outgoing and confident with my work and I am really proud of myself.