PGP Time Machine

Throughout the year I have been enrolled in a course called the Personal Growth Plan (PGP). This course is all about growing yourself in school and in life. For this course I have read books, made a journal,… Read More

Carousel of Communism

December isn’t the most wonderful time of the year only because of Christmas. It is also the time for the PLP Winter Exhibition! I have written countless posts on exhibitions now that this is my fourth year in… Read More

How to Spot a Gym Rat

This is part 3/3 of my Crucible creations blog posts. You can also read my First and Second post of Crucible creations. We have just finished reading a play called The Crucible. This play deals with a lot of themes… Read More


This is part 2 of 3 of my Crucible Creations.  We are reading the play, The Crucible, and it has a lot of different topics in it. For this assignment everyone had to focus on three of the… Read More

Hanford Field School

  Like normal in PLP we went on a field school at the beginning of the year to help advance the learning for a project. Our first unit for this year was about the Manhattan project and the making… Read More

Manhattan Project²

Well, it has been a long time since I’ve written a blog post. Normally at the beginning of the school year in PLP we would write a post on a mini project we did, but not this year…. Read More

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