Fear Factor

Today’s blog post focuses on our humanities class project, “Fear Factor,” which explores the Cold War era. In our typical PLP style, we embarked on a field trip to Arizona and Nevada in late April to gain a deeper understanding by researching firsthand accounts of Cold War experiences. While not all of our classmates participated, I was joined by 12 wonderful peers and friends, as well as our teachers Mr. Hughes and Ms. McWilliam (Ms. Maxwell). The central question of our project is, “How has fear been utilized as a political, defensive, and cultural instrument to influence our society?

This question guided our journey and lingered in my thoughts from Tuscon to Vegas. The Field Trip: Excitement filled the air as we began our expedition. The previous year, we had visited Disney World in Orlando to study immersive theming, which was one of the most memorable trips of my life. Therefore, this new trip had a tough act to follow. After departing from YVR in the late afternoon of April 18 and enduring what felt like an eternity in the car rental lobby, we arrived in Tuscon. Our exploration kicked off with a tour of the Titan Missile Silo in Tucson, AZ, a valuable source of information for our project. During the tour, we discovered details about missile launch procedures and the alarming speed at which they could strike targets in a nuclear conflict—just 30 minutes.

Yes there is a lot to go over in an almost a 2 week trip but I can only cover so much. So therefor Im just going to go over my favourite parts of the trip that odes include the Missile Silo.


One of the best parts in the whole trip was the thrilling scenes and terrific views hiking in Arizona will forever be in my mind on how beautiful it really is.

Just some of the ridicules views that we had the privilege to see with are very own eyes.


if this trip did not have the friends that went on this trip I know that this trip would not be this special, the memories that all of us had shared this trip is a thing that we will never forget and a thing that I hopefully will tell my kids about. Going further on this trip I had like 3 main buddy that I really was good friends, but the friends that I hav got closer with know is something special, from having the gang on the TikTok Rizz party bus to having a time to reflect on what we just learned.

Im truly great full for this trip and the friends that I got to make and made friendships better.

Final Product

The final product for the Fear Factor project was something I think was a very well created piece in my PLP history, I think it had a a lot of information about what I learned and what th topic was about.

The topic of my Fear Factor Project was what would happen if another nuke was launched in are planet and what would happen. We visited a lot of different places that helped me with a lot of information, like the BioSphere, the Misslie Silo and going to different museums and nit picking all the research that helped me with my project.

Canva Final Product 



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