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‘User Manual Reflection’

In PLP, learning starts fast. Our project began on the second day of school.


My “I am” Statements

We were told to come up with a list of things that described ourselves starting with the words “I am” (ie. I am a brother). We were introduced to and app called WordPack where we turned words into an object of our choice.  To start our project, we had to come up with a question.  “How can I creatively communicate who I am?” From our “I am statements we took photos of ourselves demonstrating our “I am” statements. We edited them, and created a photo college with three of our best statements.

My Memoji Laptop

This was all a warmup for one of the big parts of our project, the Memoji Laptop. The Memoji is a avatar that you can create, like a personalized emoji. One of the actions that you can choose for you emoji to show is  him/her looking at a laptop. We took this avatar and created stickers that represent ourselves. We spent a long time doing this project and revised it over and over again using peer feedback and critique. We methods like a gallery walk of our project and them leaving little notes on what they like, what they might not of understood and what they liked using sticky notesI handed my Memoji laptop in 5 different times, each a different variation, until I got to a product that I felt that i was satisfied and proud of.

I thought that this was a very fun part of the project and a good way of expressing ourselves thought the non conventional way of pen to paper.


A User Manual to Me

The project wasn’t over yet. As we were doing this creating our Memoji laptop, we were also working on what I thought was our biggest part of the project yet. We had to create a user manual to ourselves. When you buy a new device, an iPad for example, it usually comes with a user manual or guide. This manual tells you how the machine works, how to use it, how not to use it, and tips to help it run smoothly. What we had to do for this part of the project, is create a ‘User Manual’ to ourselves. The teachers gave us their own user Manual that they wrote, and told us to come back with an outline of what we wanted to write. I did not hear that correctly and came back after the weekend with a full ‘User Manual’ still, there was much to work on. I revised it over and over again changing every little thing about it until I got to my final product. Like my Memoji laptop I handed it in over and over again (10 times) trying to make sure that I handed in my best work. ( Go check out my full User Manual on my About Me page).  In the end I wrote a reflection (like this, but shorter) to wrap up the project.

The PBL Gold Standard

We based our entire project off of the “PBL Gold Standard”. The PBL gold standard is the project based learning gold standard   We had to go through each and every one of the steps to make sure that the product that we handed in was to the best of our ability and that we understood the project path. I thought that this way of learning definitely was different than the old mindset of “pen to paper, but it proved effective because i really thought i worked hard and learned on this project.

Thanks again for reading!



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