User Manual Project Post

For this post, I will be talking about my User Manual. Below are my thoughts and the necessary steps that we took to complete our User Manuals. Then below that, is the final product.

My reflection:

(User Manual): First, the teachers gave us examples of their own User Manuals. Then we did the launch phase. During the launch phase, we learned what we were actually trying to do by looking, listening, and learning about ourselves. Then we had to ask tons of questions. We did knows, need to knows, and the next steps in research. We then started very simply by just copying with the teachers User Manuals and putting in our own input/thoughts on the categories that we copied from them. Then we added more categories that personalized it. Then we started learning how to combine it all and make it all look nice. Then we learned how to do the colouring and borders, fonts and spacing to make it look like the exemplars. 

(Memoji laptop sticker) In the beginning, I thought it was going to be easier than it was. I had used Memoji a lot before, but I never thought you could do so many cool things with it in editing. At first, we had to make the Memoji look like us. Then we had to pick what stickers we wanted which for me, was the easy part. Then we had to write a paper on why we picked it and why they represented us. Then the paper had to get approved (which mine did). Then we had to edit the stickers onto the Memoji laptop. This part was hard, but it was manageable. We put the Memoji sticker into Keynote, then we edited the photos that we chose onto the back of the laptop. After that, we had to go back and revise it at least 5 times with different things to go back and look at. Then, finally, we showed it to the class. They did peer critique and then we went back and edited (AGAIN!) with their critique in mind. Finally, after many drafts and copies, we got to add the Memoji laptop to our User Manual. We got to learn how to position it properly and where the right placements were. Then, we had to make a presentation to share with our classmates so they could see what we did.

What I learned: I learned how to use my iPad much better. I also learned how to use Showbie, Keynote, and Pages. We also kind of used Notes, but not that much. However, I learned how to use it much better even though we didn’t use it that much. I learned how to use instant alpha, and also how to change the colour of shapes in Keynote/Pages. I also learned how to import images/edit them in Keynote/Pages.
In the end, I think this project was an amazing stepping stone to show us how project-based learning works.


User Manual: Passchier

Brand: PLP Student

Model: Dana Passchier, iOS 1.3


Getting Started 

Congratulations on your new device, Dana Passchier iOS 1.3, commonly referred to as Dana (or mistaken for Monica, the device’s sister). To get the best use of this machine, please keep in mind these small tips for best use: The machine does not respond well to unnecessary noises. Also, this device responds best to users who are ready to be in a learning environment. 

Please enjoy your new up to date device!


You can access this device during lunch, and in class if what you are trying to contact this device about is related to the topic of class. 

This device does not currently use social media, but the engineers are currently trying to fix this error.


Dana Passchier iOS 1.3 has 3 primary settings: Student, Teenager, and Focused Reader

Setting 1: Student

This device will most often be in student mode (by far its most agreeable and least annoying/stubborn mode). The default hours for student mode are 9:30-3:00 on weekdays. During student hours, this device is prone to be intently focused on the project at hand. Teenager or Focused Reader mode will be turned off during school hours.  

Setting 2: Teenager (WARNING: Is likely to explode at any moment)

During teenager mode, this device has a tendency to blow up. This device also can be irrational and stubborn during this time. If you encounter this device when it is in this mode, be warned it might stomp off to its room and yell that everything (and everyone) is annoying. 

***NOTE: For the safety of you, and others around you, try to limit contact/conversation with this device when it is in this mode. 

Setting 3: Focused Reader

This device is most often in this mode before school. You will know when this device is in this mode because it will have its nose in a book, and will have a far away look in its eyes. During this time, the device has a tendency to snap at anyone who bothers it and/or ignores them completely. Please be careful when approaching it during this time. 


This device may…

-Be sarcastic

-Yell at you for no reason

-Go into Teenager Mode unexpectedly 

-Go into Focused Reader mode unexpectedly 

-Become annoyed over small things (Unproductive talking, unnecessary noises, whispering when the teacher is talking, etc.) 


Problem Solution Consequences 
The device has gone into Teenager mode and is in its bed and will not come out Tell the device there is food, you will get a response 85.49% of the time during Teenager mode If there is no food, expect the device to stomp off to her bed again and not come out
The device has gone into Focused Reader mode and is ignoring you Tell the device there is food, this will work 56.32% of the time during Focused Reader mode If there is no food, expect a hissy fit


-Fuel with Starbucks and/or junk food

-Be open to other people’s opinions, and don’t be mean to others

-Be in communication with the device, otherwise it could accidentally delete your contact

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