Worldview About Food

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog…this is another random post about stuff. Well, not actually. This week, I am going to find or make a picture that connects to my worldview. Right now in class we are learning about what a worldview is. 

What even is a worldview?

Worldview (noun): a collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or group; the lens through which the world is viewed by an individual or group; the overall perspective from which the world is interpreted. 

Basically a worldview is an invisible hypothetical lens that is stuck to your eye from the moment you are born. Most of the time, you don’t even realize it’s there! The lens shapes the way you see the world. For example, if you move from one country to another, it would shape the way you see the world differently from someone who had lived in their house for their whole life. You can develop your worldview by connecting with new people and learning about different cultures. You can also change the way you see the world by travelling and having new experiences. 

These are the seven aspects that make up a worldview:

What does all of that mean, you may ask? Well, here is a step by step explanation of what all of the worldview aspects are!

Geography: What role do geographical factors such as climate and location play in how people look at the world and behave in it?

Time: In what terms is time viewed by a society (mechanical, like clocks, or natural, like the sun)?

Society: What roles are available to individuals in society? Who holds power and how is power maintained? Who has status and how do they get it? Are certain benefits available to some and not to others?

Values: How do people in a society act toward each other? How do people in a society act toward people in other societies and groups?

Beliefs: What beliefs do people hold about life and death? About their environment?

Economy: Who controls the resources? What is to be produced? How will it be produced? For whom? How is property distributed? Protected?

Knowledge: How do people develop knowledge? What ways of knowing are accepted? Who has access to knowledge? How is it valued? Where or in whom does the knowledge reside?

So, now you know a little bit more about worldview and what the different aspects are. For my creation, I am going to be drawing food because it connects to the value part of my worldview. I didn’t pick food just because tastes good (although it does), I picked it because there are so many people in the world who are starving (especially because COVID has impacted the economy so much). I feel like we take food for granted (myself included) and I think that it’s become a thing in our lives that we just expect to be there. Imagine going home and there not being food on the table, well this is the very true reality of a lot of the world, especially right now…anyhow, below is the drawing of food I made!

I made this drawing using Sketches Pro…I’ve gotten a lot of hate about this, but my favourite type of pizza is pineapple, so I decided to draw that (and for all y’all haters who say that fruit doesn’t belong on pizza, tomatoes are fruits…) Also, feel free to comment your favourite type of pizza (be sure to follow my commenting guidelines)!

Anyyyyyhoo, I hope you liked reading my post about my developing worldview. There will be more posts coming soon about who knows what, but stay tuned for more!

Best wishes,


P.S. If you are still confused about what a worldview is, click here to find out more!

P.P.S Here’s Hannah’s wannabe food blog

4 thoughts on “Worldview About Food”

  1. Hi Dana. I really enjoyed looking at your site. I never knew that you were not a fan of mac-n cheese. Noted. It is high time that your family takes a road trip south to visit the Realm. You are missed. But, I am glad that you are having wonderful and exciting new life experiences! Bring us some adventure stories. Keep up the great work! Much love to you all.

    1. Haha cool…well now you know…yes! That you be amazing! Obviously when COVID-19 is over and we can travel again, but yes!! I miss you guys too! Hehe yes it’s amazing up here, I can’t wait to share everything with you all!

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