Middle Ages And The Crusades

Blog post

In humanities this unit we learned about the Middle Ages and the crusades. I think that while we were in this unit my strengths for the crusades presentation was the design and good information that reflected on what i learned. Something I could’ve done better for the crusades presentation is that i spent more time decorating my slides instead of writing, so next time i could decorate after writing. For my Feudal System presentation one of my strengths was an accurate diagram of how the feudal system worked. My weaknesses was little decoration for my slides and not that much writing. I think that overall i did pretty well for this unit.

The Crusades

The crusades were a series of around 7 religious wars between 1095 and 1291. The crusades started when Pope Urban II made a speech about how the Muslim conquerors of the holy land had supposedly committed against the Christian pilgrims and settlers. In the speech Pope Urban II made a message that the Christian knights who fought in the war would have their sins forgiven. This speech was made in Claremont, France but the crusades happened all across Europe.

The Middle Ages

The middle ages was a period in time that was hard for many people that weren’t in power. If you were a peasant you were at the bottom of the pyramid and owned nothing. You would work 6 long days a weak and often didn’t even make enough money to buy food. The king couldn’t control all the land on his own so he would grant land to the nobles. From being granted the land they became wealthy and powerful. The nobles pledged loyalty to the king. Nobles would grant land to the knights if they agreed to fight for the king.


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