Big Book of Poems

Over three weeks, Humanities class has been filled with poetry. We wrote it, we read it, we reflected on it.

The driving question:

How can I construct text that shows who I am now?

All our poems had to reflect our worldview. Having learned about it in the last project, we are expanding on it here. We had to make ten poems, all of which where different types. We then presented our poems to small groups, and got critique on them. I think I found interest in some of my poems, and put a lot of effort into them. But, others where kinda rushed, because I just couldn’t think of what to do. At the end, we put all our poems together, into an ebook. My ebook wasn’t BAD, but it didn’t show my understanding as well as it could’ve, if I had put more time into it.

The coffee house presentation

To bring the project to a close, we organized a live performance, for the parents to watch. Seeing an opportunity to improve my public speaking, I decided to be one of the people to say the concluding lines. It went, really well, and I didn’t mess up. Best of all, I had fun!


Overall, I used poetry to tell the world who I am, and presented great work. Here is my ebook if you want to read it:


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