A Time for Change

The Renaissance was time for innovation, a time for societal changes, a time for people to make a difference. From the 14th to the 17th century, there was an extreme amount of change that happened. Peoples beliefs changed, and many important things were invented.

The Big Idea

The point of this project was to learn about the importance of the Renaissance, and learn how to identify what makes an event historically significant. We had multiple assignments where we would figure out how significant an event was, based on novelty, applicability, memory, and effect. Those are the four ways an event can be historically significant.


The final product of our project was to make triptych. A triptych is board that’s split into three sections. In our triptych, we had to have four historically significant things from the Renaissance. These were displayed in the two side panels. In the middle panel, we have a representation of ourselves, and things that show the four significant events having effect on our modern world.


In all, this project really got me thinking about the important events in the Renaissance. Making the Triptych was quite fun in the end as well.

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