Thinking Like A Geographer!

Hello! Welcome back to my blog.

How Does The Geography of the West Shape Who We Are?

This project was all about the geography of Canada. We learn’t about the 5 themes of geography, and about lots of important places in the West. We also did a lot of learning on historical events, such as the CPR, and The Gold Rush. At the start of this project, I didn’t really know a lot about the importance of geography, and thought it was mostly just about knowing the location and capital of different countries. After this project, I’ve realized that its also about landscape, history, cultural places, and even movement. I’ve grown to understand the importance in our geography, as its fundamental to how I am the person I am today.

The Alberta Trip

I was on Alberta trip #1, and it was a lot of fun. We went to a lot of interesting places, notably the The Last Spike, and the Head Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. I learn’t a lot about our history, and about our province. It was really cool to be able to go to places like that in person, as it helped me learn about them a lot more.

Questioning and Speculating

I think that over-all I did a pretty good job at asking questions, and being eager to learn. During the Field Study, I tried my best to make sure I was digging deeper into my learning, and asking as many questions as possible. I think I did a good job of digging for information, and soaking up as much knowledge as possible.

The Final Product

The final product of this project was a E-Book that explained my answer to the driving question. I’m quite proud of how my book turned out. I had some trouble figuring out a layout and design that would make reading it less boring, and I eventually came to the conclusion that adding more pictures helped to do so. I think my reflections were really thought out and detailed, while still explaining things nicely. I feel like my book really showed my understanding of how the geography of the west shaped us, and more specifically, how it it influenced our economy.

My book mostly talked about how the different geographical locations, and events in our history, allowed us to have a thriving economy. In my eyes, this is the main reason why people started settling in B.C and Alberta. If it weren’t for all the rich opportunities to make money, people wouldn’t have bothered trying to live here. Vancouver wouldn’t even exist.


Now that this project has ended, I can say that I have a much better understanding of how the geography of The West shaped us, and the importance of geography. I feel proud of my demonstration of knowledge, and I’m ready to wrap this project to a close.

Thanks for reading!

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