The Peasants are Revolting!

Revolutions are something that’s happened many times over the course of history. They’ve brought down empires, and risen new ones in there place.

In this humanities project, I learn’t all about how revolutions are caused, and how they are powerful forms of change.

How did revolutions bring down empires and change societies around the world?

The final product of this project was to create a video of a court scene, proving that the chosen revolution was effective, or ineffective at changing the lives of its people for the better. My group had to prove that the Haitian Revolution was ineffective. We had to research the Haitian revolution, figure out our key points for our argument, and find evidence to support our claims.

Revolutions on Trial

While preparing for the Court Video, I learnt a lot about how evidence needs to be presented to a judge. I gained a better understanding of how courts are ruled, and how to defend your case. I also came to realize, that there can always be another perspective to any situation. At first, I thought it would impossible to argue that the Haitian revolution was ineffective, as it was the only successful slave revolt in history. But as I looked at it from different angles, I realized that it actually had a huge toll on Haiti’s economy, and is the reason why Haiti is such a dangerous and unstable place in the present.

Managing Tasks

If I’m gonna be honest, I did not enjoy this project, but not because I disliked the subject. The reason being is that I feel like I was stressing out, trying to finish all the required tasks, while my group members messed around. I was constantly doing other group members work, because they hadn’t done there homework, or didn’t use there class time wisely. An example of this is when we wrote the final script for our courtroom video. I assigned each person an individual part of the script to work on, so that the work was divided equally, and everyone did there part. Not a SINGLE other person wrote a word in the shared document during the 1-2 days we had to work on this. I ended up doing literally the entire thing.

I think I could work on my ability to explain tasks to people, so that others are more likely to do there work. That way I wont get another repeat of what happened in this project.


I think revolutions are part of a societal cycle, that takes place when the basic needs of the people are not met. Eventually, things are gonna go wrong, and revolutions are what put out the fire, and bring new logs to burn from the embers of the old fire. Revolutions aren’t just an old thing, there are already symptoms of revolutions in countries like Canada and USA, as inflation is making basic human needs very hard to be met.

That is why I think revolutions are very powerful things, and are a fundamental in the long run of societies. Thanks for reading!

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