TPol 2023

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

-Tpol declaration.


Hello! My name is Daniel Boglari, and welcome to my transitional presentation of learning. My Tpol will be split into three sections. In the first section I will revisit my goals from both the midterm and the start of the year, as well as make goals for next year. The second section will talk about my growth in Humanities this year. The third section will talk about my habits as a student, as well as the skills I’ve developed over the course of my Grade 9 Year. Alright, lets get started!

Revisiting my goals.

At the start of the year, I wrote on my learning plan that my goal was to put as much effort into my work as possible, and try and do my best to go above and beyond. This was a goal that made a lot of sense to me, as I often slack off on assignments I’m not very interested in. This year, especially in Humanities, I tried to shape my projects around what I was passionate about, which made me more focused and allowed me to produce better work. A great example of this was during the Spring Exhibition, where each person got to choose their own topic and explore it in a way that interested them. I ended up being way more engaged in my work, and very proud of what I had created, rather than having just done it to get it over with.

On the subject of the Learning Plan, my grade goal this year was to aim for an extending on all of my assignments. This goal kept me on track all year, and made sure I was constantly putting out my best work. I think the fact that this goal was reinforced by my teachers really helped me take it seriously, as I wouldn’t have cared about all that much if I wasn’t getting feedback about how I can extend my work on all my assignments. It kept me thinking about my work with the mindset of: “things can always be improved upon,” instead of just making a first draft and then handing it in.


In the second term, my only PLP subject was humanities. Over my full year in humanities I had a lot more growth then some of the other subjects that I had for only half as long. This year I tried my best to keep my learning plan goals in mind while doing all my assignments, which is why my work was much more thoughtful then in Grade 8.

My work this year in humanities more felt personal and meaningful than in Grade 8. I felt like my work was more connected to my interests, and had more meaning behind it. This was especially true in projects where I had Ms Madsen, as she let us pick our own topics for our final products, which made  me much more engaged in what I was doing. A great example of this is the project “Full Steam Ahead!”, where I wrote a peom about how bad schools were. Having the kind of liberty to explore topics like that is something I’ve never really gotten from any other class and it motivated me to create my best work possible. In the project “Dulce et Decorum est”, my final product was also of a topic of my choice. I had many meaningful conversations about my project at the Spring Exhibition, which is learning that I don’t think I would have had if I was randomly given a topic to research. I also think that the fact that we could not only choose our topics, but how we REPRESENTED our topics was what made me so engaged. In my very first project this year “The Power of Geography”, we were given a Book Creator Template to fill out as our final product. I remember not being all that interested in the project, because it just felt like meaningless tasks that we had to accomplish. Where as at the Spring Exhibition, I had the chance to independently explore new ideas, and ended up with a project I was much more proud of.

Work Habits

This year I’m really proud of my leadership skills. I took the initiative in most group projects, especially during the winter exhibition, where I was the DRI and made sure or whole room actually came together on time. Whoever, something I want to work on with my leadership in not taking on more work than I should be. In the project “Viva la revolution”, my group members  were not completing their tasks, and instead of helping them do so I just did them myself and had a really stressful month. Next year I wan’t to be more confident in these kinds of situations so that I’m not adopting other peoples work.

Something I want to work on next year is getting all my assignments done on time. I’ve noticed that I’ve been prioritizing my life outside of school, as it’s been hard balancing multiple Scouting Awards and deadlines with school. This was especially true during May and Early June, as all I was focusing on was my Chief Scout Award for scouts. Next year I want to focus more on my school work, especially because Grade 10 is the year where my marks will start to matter towards university.

To make sure I stay focused at home, my plan is to dedicate the hour after I get home from school to doing homework, that way I can get it over with quickly, leaving time for revisions if I need to do so. Hopefully that would keep my homework from stretching out over a long time, and interfering with my training for rock climbing.

Wrap up

Overall, this year went very well, and I’m proud of myself for sticking to my goals from the start of the year. To summarize my Tpol, I have one big goal for next year.

I want to make school a larger focus in my life, making sure I’m always putting out my best work, and making sure its always handed in on time. I feel that this is an important goal for me, because my grades are going to start to matter next year and I want to be doing the best I can.

Thank you for coming to my Tpol.

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