MPOL 2023:

Hello everyone, welcome to my midterm presentation of learning. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities

The Peasants are Revolting!

Revolutions are something that’s happened many times over the course of history. They’ve brought down empires, and risen new ones in there place. In this humanities project, I learn’t all about how revolutions are caused, and how they are powerful forms of change. How did revolutions bring down empires and change societies around the world?

The Peasants are Revolting!

Hello! Welcome back to my blog. This week in Humanities, we did something pretty neat: A simulation. Our class was split into four groups. A large majority of the students were put into group A, which were the peasants. A smaller portion of people, (me included) were put into group B, which were the people

Thinking Like A Geographer!

Hello! Welcome back to my blog. How Does The Geography of the West Shape Who We Are? This project was all about the geography of Canada. We learn’t about the 5 themes of geography, and about lots of important places in the West. We also did a lot of learning on historical events, such as

A Very Large Hat Company

New France was an interesting place, at an interesting time. It was a huge part of Canadian history. In this slider I compare the two sides of the story. The successors, and the latter. But how did I get here? What did New France and the fur trade mean for all groups involved? In the


Its come to the end of the year. Now its time to think back on everything I’ve done. I will be revisiting my mid-term goals, analyzing my achievements and fails, and looking back to see what I can improve on for next year. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the

A Time for Change

The Renaissance was time for innovation, a time for societal changes, a time for people to make a difference. From the 14th to the 17th century, there was an extreme amount of change that happened. Peoples beliefs changed, and many important things were invented. The Big Idea The point of this project was to learn

Advancing My Learning.

Three days away from home. A time to relax, learn, and bond. The learning advance way a stellar experience. A chance to improve yourself, make new friends, and try new things. Activities The activities weren’t to different from your average summer camp, but with some learning assignments sprinkled in. Having done lots of the outdoor

Big Book of Poems

Over three weeks, Humanities class has been filled with poetry. We wrote it, we read it, we reflected on it. The driving question: How can I construct text that shows who I am now? All our poems had to reflect our worldview. Having learned about it in the last project, we are expanding on it

Exploring The Outside World

Have you ever read a book called the outsiders? Maybe you read it in your free time, or maybe you did a book report on it when you where younger. But did you realize how much it can teach you? The driving question: How can the Outsiders teach us about worldview? For the last five