I’m Not Who You Think I Am

Hello, my name is Daniel Boglari, and welcome to my end of year presentation of learning. I’d just like to say that this is going to be a little different than other presentations you may have watched, and this might be quite unexpected for some of you, especially my parents. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget

MPOL 2023:

Hello everyone, welcome to my midterm presentation of learning. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities

AVATAR: A Reflection of Our World

James Camerons “Avatar” is a movie that had ground-breaking success during its time, but it also explored many themes that are very important to talk about. During the 2022 Winter Exhibition, we explored those themes through the lens of videography. The Driving Question ”What does James Cameron’s fantasy world of avatar reveal about our society

Vibrant Videos

Hey! Guess what I spent the last few weeks in Maker doing? I’ve been making movies! No, not that kind of movie! I’m talking about a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images. You know, the things you watch on Netflix from time to time. Today, I’ll be showing you

An Excellent Exhibition

As you may know, PLP had an end-of-year exhibition. It was a chance to showcase our learning, and what we did over the year. Preparation I was in the tech group, so I had to pick a tech-based project to showcase. I chose to showcase “Chemistry Coding”, because its a great example of us combining


Its come to the end of the year. Now its time to think back on everything I’ve done. I will be revisiting my mid-term goals, analyzing my achievements and fails, and looking back to see what I can improve on for next year. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the

There Is No “I” In Team

Hi. This is a follow up to a previous post, about Destination Imagination. I recommend visiting that, before you read this. Without Further edu, lets get started. Imagining the Destination Destination Imagination is a national event. The idea, is that a team of kids have to solve a challenge, then present there solution at a

Imagining the Destination

In maker class, we’ve been participating in an event called Destination imagination. In class, we have been trying to solve our team challenge, planning out deliverables, and creating stuff. If you don’t know what destination imagination is, here is a link: https://www.destinationimagination.org/ My Group For this project, I am in a group of seven people.