Becoming a PLP learner!!!! Daniel Addition!!!!!

Have you ever wondered how people become a PLP learner?? Well guess what? That is what I am also trying to figure out. So, let’s both go on a magical journey and explore the world of becoming a PLP learner!! But first, let’s explore mine. 🙂

My name is Daniel, and I am in PLP 8. We have been going through a project called “Who am I as a PLP learner?” and in this project, we have done certain assignments that are supposed to teach us how to use certain apps with an iPad. One project is called the “Memoji.” In this project we are making our own emojis and customizing them to our liking. We were supposed to chose a Memoji and then put pictures and drawings on it. Then, we animated the Memoji. Here’s a picture of how this assignment is supposed to look.

Assignment 2, WorkPack:

In this assignment we’re supposed to chose words that describe ourselves and generate them into an image. This assignment was focused on an app called “WordPack.” It allows you generate an image from words. In this assignment we were asked to use words that deeply relate to ourselves.

I am Doodle:

In this assignment, we explored how to use our “Apple Pencil”, to its full potential. We took selfies of our selves, and then drew pictures around ourselves, and on us. We were asked to draw pictures that describe us, what we like, and what we are. After we were done with drawing what we wanted, we had to add a little box where is says: “I am___”. And then in the empty space, we would write down what we think we are. This assignment thought us how to use our Apple Pencils in the correct way, and how to edit using photos.

User Manual:

In this assignment, we were asked to create a “User Manual”, and write stuff down that we like, what we don’t like, and ex. This assignment was based around using an app called pages, where you can draw, take notes, and write assignments for school. Here is here is the link leading to the User Manual.

About me 🙂



Nike Shoe:

This assignment was based around using that app called “Keynote”. In this assignment, we were asked to make our own shoe, and design it to our liking. We could add our favorite colors, and pictures. Once again, this assignment was based around using the Apple Pencil to its full potential.


Memoji animation:

In this assignment, we were asked to use our Memojis that we made in a past task, and animate it using the app called Keynote. First, we were introduced to filter called the “Paint brush”. And in that filter, we were allowed to animate, and do other cool sorts of stuff. Here is a video of my Memoji animation.


And that is all for me. And now, lets explore your journey of becoming a PLP learner…

Make sure to subscribe to my channel:)

channel name: @SniMyy

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