People say that humans will never be able to figure out how to time travel. Well, the grade 8 PLP students have figured out how to! Not really… In the post, we will be taking a wild journey into the past and look upon the Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern times, and how we turned our learning, into a giant presentation in front of the whole school called the Winter Exhibition… (This post will only be about the Exhibition and how it went. If you want to check out the other blogs on what we learned, I will have a link to it at the end of the Blog.)
What Is The Winter Exhibition?
A Winter Exhibition is where student go and present something what they have learned to the public and reflect on what they have learned.
Part 1…
In part one of the amazing journey, we were assigned a group that we needed to collaborate with, and communicate with to make this the best Winter Exhibition ever! Once we were in our groups, we needed to figure out what we were going to present at the Exhibition. My group was IsaaV, RobinC, GriffinA, EloiseG, and ElsaW. (I will have links to their blogs as well so you can go check them out!) Over the past few months, we were learning about how the renaissance, and Medieval times ties into how we live today.
Part 2…
In part 2, we needed to figure out how we were going to present our Exhibition. But first, we needed to figure out who was going to be resembling what. For the Medieval times.
Medieval Times Roles…
RobinC was going to be talking and explaining what the “Art” was all about. I was a apprentice, praying to my master who was Isaac. He was pointing at a Sundial which tells how to tell time using the sun. EloiseG was resembling a Nobel collecting people taxes from RobinC since peasants were living and planting crops in the Nobels land, the peasant needed to give something back.
Part 3…
Part three was trying to figure out what we were going to do for the renaissance Tablou. This Tablou was supposed to be based around time (clocks) since in the Renaissance, people invented the clock. So, for this Tablou, IsaacV was praying to the clock, I was reading a book, GriffinA was the clock, RobbinC was the tax collector, and EloiseG was the person paying the taxes.
Part 4…
Part four was probably the easiest part of the Tablou. We were asked for the final part of the tablou to act from our Modern lives. This took very little time since we had everything already planned before even knowing that we were going to be asked to make a Tablou for the Modern worldview. Now all that was asked, was to just make the costumes and decide on which roles we were going to be. I was going to be holding an iPad representing knowgedge, GriffinA was a “Apple” store representing values, EloiseG was a scientist representing beliefs, RobinC was a tax collector representing economy, ElsaW was the person paying the taxes, and finally, IsaacV was the one reading and explaining how this represents the final Tablou.
The Final Something…
After 3 months of learning, studying, and pain, we have finally made it to the end. Almost. We needed to present all of our learning in front of the whole school. How this Tablou was going to be presented was by one person getting the other people attention, so we had time to get ready with our costumes and props. Once the person was done reading, then the people listening would turn around and look at the Tablou. And that would go three times for the Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern times. We needed to be prepared because we would be presenting for more than three hours. So, we needed to bring water, and maybe a quick snack for back stage. And once everything was set up, people were starting to come in. There was a lot of pressure on our group since we had a lot of people coming in to check out our Tablou, but it turned out to not be as bad. After about three hours of preforming, we could take a 30 minute break. And then after our break, we had to preform for one more hour, so we had to pull through. Finally after about 4 or 5 hours, it was done. When we left, it was about 9 pm. So we were really tired.
Final Thoughts…
I hope you enjoyed reading this wonderful blog and I will see you in the text post…