2016 Was Only Practice

For most, looking back on the year 2016 is disappointing, a year that we wish we could have skipped. Beginning with the death of music legend David Bowie and book-ended with Carrie Fisher, 2016 seemed pretty bad from start to finish. The thing is though, for all we know, 2017 may be just as bad. On New Year’s Eve last year, were you really thinking about how bad 2016 is? I think not.

The Death Of America

The Death Of America

With Google’s “Year In Search” Video, the year’s biggest events are compiled in to one neat, little package. There is a common theme throughout the video, and this year that was love. Even through the ups and downs of the roller coaster that was 2016, we can all find love, in some way or another.

As much as the video was relatable, there were a few things that didn’t quite click with me. Now that I know, I can kind of remember the event happening, but when the spacecraft landed on the water landing pad, I was like, “What is that?”. That kind of speaks to how wild 2016 was. So many weird, random trends. I mean, 60 million + views on a video about cutting stuff with a hot knife, what an absolutely fantastic way to cap off the year.

Picture Of Colosseum From My Trip To Italy

Picture Of Colosseum From My Trip To Italy

To be honest, from my point, I will look back at 2016 and think that the news ruined my year. Take out the news and I had an amazing year. Going to Italy for 2 weeks, competing in mountain biking for the first time, moving to my new home, it really is too bad that 2016 was a bad year for others. Overall, 2016 was a year for firsts, whatever that may manifest as. No matter who you are, we were all glad that it’s 2017.


danielw • January 5, 2017

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