Don’t Get Caught: A Trailer

Our first course in Humanities; “Story Of My Life”, had us reading a novel and creating a trailer for that novel. If you keep up with my blog (shout out to you if you do) you would know that my book was Don’t Get Caught by Kurt Dinan. This post will be more about the creation of the Trailer as oppose to the book itself.

We have been doing a lot of filmmaking as of late, and this was definitely our biggest assignment of the year so far. It required a lot more planning than others and we also had to act in it which is a whole other story in itself. Going in to the creation of this video I wasn’t super worried, by now I know that most of the time, things work themselves out so there’s no point stressing about it too much. We began the process with a sheet in which we planned out everything about our video, from props to locations, to time of day. This was a crucial part in the process as without it we wouldn’t have had much in terms of direction.

There’s a lot that went on behind the scenes during this whole thing but I’ll spare you the details (also it’s currently 11 o’clock and I’m not sure my brain can remember all of it). There were a few bumps in the road but as a group we figured out ways to get over them. This included character switches, camera switches, last minute filming, etc. However, I’ve come to realize that that is the point of doing all of this, we didn’t sign up for PLP for everything to go perfectly.

If I’m being honest, I definitely feel like if we were to split up the percentage of work between us all, I would have a solid 65%. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, I just hope I get the credit which I think is fair. I was the main character in the video. I filmed quite a bit, seeing as it was my camera. As well as editing it all together, despite me saying at the beginning that I was fed up with editing! This isn’t to say I’m upset or angry about the work distribution. For sure there are some things I would do differently next time. For the most part though, I’m the one who decides I want to do things such as edit, because I want work that has my name on it to be something I have control over and something I’m proud of.


When it comes down to it, this project was definitely a success, and I’m proud to say that. Sometimes group projects don’t go the way I want them to, but this wasn’t an example of that. I’m happy with the final outcome of our trailer and I’m glad to know other people think the same.

danielw • October 29, 2018

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  1. Jessie B October 31, 2018 - 2:05 PM Reply

    I like the layout of your blog, it’s short and sweet and easy to follow. Just make sure you check over your spelling especially in the second paragraph. What do you use to edit your videos? Because it looks really amazing!

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