DAN does DNA

We’ve been doing a lot of video making in PLP lately, and science is no exception. We have recently concluded a unit all about DNA with the driving question “Can cousins be identical?” This question would be answered by demonstrating our understanding through a video including all the content we learned about.

My partner was Melika and we decided to go for a bit of a Vox-style video that includes lots of animation, some stock-like footage and a voiceover. I felt like it would be a good idea because most of the time filming ourselves talking doesn’t turn out very well. The creation of our video was a little rocky, it wasn’t the smoothest process I’ve been a part of, and that’s pretty much all my own fault. I definitely bit off more than I could chew because I had a vision in my head of what I wanted to accomplish. 


In the end our video was relatively good, I’m not super proud of it if I’m being honest. I put quite a bit of time in to the animations and overall editing, even though the final product wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for. Going forward I’m definitely going to work on my collaboration skills with others which is something I was also very vocal about in my PGP. This unit did help me learn about DNA quite a bit but with a little more focus I could have gotten more out of it.

danielw • November 22, 2018

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