
If there was one word to describe the whole process of planning, revising, and creating our exhibition project, it would be chaos. The task was given to us one week in advance which was a little crazy and definitely made things much more stressful. Everything ended up being alright though, and our presentation(s) went quite well.

Right from the start I didn’t know what I was going to do for my project. All I knew was that it had to be based around the environment (I think). After creating multiple drafts of different inquiry questions I settled on the one I would base my project around, “How do the changes in precipitation levels have an affect on our local environment?”.

Title Page

I began with finding the precipitation levels of our local environment from the past 25 years and that’s when I ran in to my first problem. There were no recorded precipitation levels on the North Shore, only those recorded in downtown Vancouver and at the airport. I decided to go with the levels recorded at the airport because it was easier to collect the data and would be much more efficient. So I got the information I needed and implemented that data in to an interactive graph on my Keynote presentation.

The next thing I did was research how it actually affected the environment. This took a while but once I found some traction I got going pretty quick. From then one it was just typing and creating photos until I had a proper Keynote. I finished most of the project in one long work period which made it extremely rewarding when I finished.

All that was left now was to present at the exhibition. It had been one crazy week and I was glad it was almost over. Overall, the presenting was easy, partly because I wasn’t actually presenting as such. Because it was an exhibition I set my Keynote up on a table and had it on loop which made things much simpler as people could walk by and read for however long they wanted. At one point I kind of forgot that I wasn’t necessarily supposed to be presenting, and when people came by I gave them a full breakdown of my question.

(I will insert some photos of the exhibition here when they leave Honduras)

The other section of the exhibition was the science part, where we built a seismically-sound structure in Minecraft. Now this was a fun assignment! We basically spent a good month designing and building an earthquake-proof structure set in a certain time period in a place where earthquakes actually occur. I partnered up with my friend Marshall and we decided to build a Mayan Temple. We made this Temple earthquake-proof by adding pillars, y-beams, cross beams, and dampeners. I think everyone enjoyed the project because we got to play a game, and who doesn’t love that?

All in all the exhibition was pretty crazy. A little unorganized at times, and stressful the rest, I wasn’t certain it was going to work out. It did though, and that’s why I’m pretty proud of the work I accomplished, and given the choice to do it again, I would (Even though it isn’t my choice at all). Just please, if we do it again Ms. Willimse, more than 7 days…


Here Are Some Of My Classmates Blogs:



danielw • January 5, 2017

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